I took and passed the Certified Construction Manager Exam earlier today.
Eligibility: To be eligible to take the exam you must have 4 years of “Responsible in Charge” Experience; which translates to supervision, decision-making authority, and delivery of CM services (there is a matrix that you have to fill out during the application process to verify this experience). In addition to this experience you must have:
1. 4 year construction related degree or
2. 2 year degree with 4 years additional construction experience or
3. 8 years construction experience
Application: Process was pretty straight forward.
1. Entered your name, address, current employer, etc. on the online application.
2. Uploaded your resume
3. Uploaded your transcript
4. Completed a “Responsible in Charge Matrix” with two references to vouch for this experience.
5. Paid Fee
(Note: The two references are emailed for their verification of your experience, so the request will most likely get lost in their spam folder. There is an option for the references to send back their verification via USPS. I mailed my two references the form with a stamped pre-addressed envelope so all they had to do was execute the form and drop it back in the mail).
Application Cost: $425/$325 CMAA members
Note: you may have to email/call CMCI "Construction Management Certification Institute" /CMAA "Construction Management Association of America" . After not hearing back from them for some time, I contacted CMCI and asked about my references and application. They said had received my reference verifications and they will further process my application. I got an email later that day saying I was approved to sit for the exam and they scheduled my exam time, which I scheduled for two weeks later.
Exam Cost: $275
Exam preparation: They give three options if you want to prepare for the exam through CMAA:
Option 1: Attend a three day on site Training course ($1,225/$1,025 CMAA members) – This includes the published “Study Kit”
Option 2: On Demand Video - 18 hours: ($1,099/$699 CMAA members)
Option 3: Study Kit ($550/$275 CMAA members)
I chose the study kit, which are the CMAA publications on Project Management, Time Management, Cost Management, etc. I spent about two weeks reading these study kit publications. I also bought a sample test from Amazon for $30.00 just to get some exam type questions.
Exam: The exam is 200 questions with only 175 questions being graded. Passing score is around 65% or 114 questions answered correctly. You have 5 hours to take the test.
I spent about 2 ½ hours taking the test and another hour reading through the questions again. My score was 77.7% or 136 questions answered correctly.
Note: As soon as you submit the test you get your results back. They give you your exact breakdown by category (Project Management, Cost Management, Time Management, Contract Administration, Quality, Safety, Professional Practice) but you cannot write it down and they don’t give you a print out at the testing center. You get an email, but they only give you your passing score. Note: CMAA states the passing rate is around 83%.
You need to re-certify by obtaining 25 points during a 3-year cycle, but PE PDH’s count, so no additional Continuing Educations is required as long as you keep your PE license current. Note: It costs $200 to re-certify every three years.
Overall I spent $1,280 (paid for by my company), 2 weeks studying (basically reading publications), and 4.5 hours for the test (left my office at 9:30 am and was back by 2:00 pm).