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Oct 11, 2012
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When is CERM 14 coming out? I noticed that on ppi2pass wwebsite they allow you to upgrade to CERM 14 for $170 until April 30. 2013. I was hoping this meant a new CERM was coming. Anybody know when the new CERM would be available?

When is CERM 14 coming out? I noticed that on ppi2pass wwebsite they allow you to upgrade to CERM 14 for $170 until April 30. 2013. I was hoping this meant a new CERM was coming. Anybody know when the new CERM would be available?

I think you meant to say "upgrade to CERM 13", right? There is no mention of a CERM 14 that I know of. Granted, a CERM14 is undoubtedly in the works (especially since some of the design standards were updated for 04-13) but no one knows when it will come out and it's not worth waiting for if it means putting off your studies. Just buy the latest CERM at the time you start studying and you'll be fine. Good luck.

I used my CERM 12 in April and was very helpful.
