I think that the casio cant solve simult. equations with complex numbers. What you can do is do it by hand. If it is 2 unknowns you can solve for I1= on first equation so that the I1 are in terms of I2. and then substitute I1=I2blabla bla bla on the second equation. Then equation 2 will all be in terms of I2...solve for I2 and then substituted the I2 value on equation I1=I2 bla bla bla. I hope you understand what i mean. Is kind of confusing but is the best way i found when is only 2 unknowns.
Thanks for the reply. I know how to do it by hand.
But it would be SWEET if I could just plug-in the complex numbers directly and get the answers (and then go to the next problem).
This would be a deal breaker for me if one calculator could do this and the others couldn't.
Does anybody else knew if any of the approved calculators can solve simultaneous equations with complex numbers?
NCEES acceptable calculators:
* fx-115 MS
* fx-115 MS Plus
* fx-115 MS SR
* fx-115 ES
Hewlett Packard:
* HP 33s
* HP 35s
Texas Instruments:
* TI-30Xa
* TI-30Xa SE
* TI-30XS Multiview
* TI-30X IIB
* TI-30X IIS
* TI-36X II
last updated: Nov. 16, 2009
next update: Nov. 15, 2010
Thanks a bunch!