Calculating reactive capacitance for Pi model of Medium-length T-line

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Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
The SoPE problem #288 shows that we calculate the discrete capacitive reactance for a Pi model by dividing by the Cap Reactance (given in Ohm * Mile) by half of the total line length (L/2), and that this is done for the caps shown at both ends (sending and receiving).  I expected that the value of those two resistors are determined simply by dividing the total Cap Reactance (in Ohm * Mile) by the total length of the line (125 mi), then divide that value by 2 and assign it to each of the caps.  That is, 1400 / 2 = 700 Ohm per cap, not 1400 / (1/2) = 2800 Ohm per cap.  What's correct?

Also, the instructor said these capacitors are compensating - i.e. it's a fully-compensated line.  Does this mean that we physically add capacitors onto the line at the sending & receiving ends?  I thought these caps in the diagram are simply discrete representation of the capacitance that exists along the length of the line.  Am I confused?

Diagram from notes:

Workshop Solution:

Attached the diagrams here, since I apparently don't have permission to edit my posts yet...

Diagram from Notes.JPG

