I'm working on filling in all the forms that are required for taking the PE exam in California. My main concern is Part A of the Engagement Record form ( http://www.pels.ca.gov/pubs/forms/perefsfrm.pdf ) Over the last 2 years I have worked with 4 PEs (per requirements), however I didn't work with each in a nice linear fashion, I worked with PE 1, then PE 2, then PE 1 again, then PE 3, etc... I'm wondering if for each restart with PE 1 do I need to give PE 1 a new engagement form, so the to and from dates for PE 1 don't appear to overlap PE 2, 3 and 4 or if the "total time worked in months" will let the reviewing folks know I had other engagements during the first start and the last end dates...