Big Brother Programs

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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
Reaction score
unpadded cell
While I was out of the office today for meetings, I got volunteered for another pilot program. Anybody heard of N2H2? I've been to the website and it looks like it records every website visited and tallys time spent at them. Looks like I am going to become scare for awhile.

Why? EB is a professional engineering resource.....
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Seriously, I don't get this stuff. If you do you work well and on time, why should they care what you look at as long as it isn't porn or something. If they don't like it they can give you something else to do.

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Agreed. Plus, some of us (ME) seem to produce better work when we have time to play around a little and "stimulate" our intellect on the internet. Benbo's right - it's not like you're surfing porn or playing games or downloading DVDs ((like everyone else at my office).

I suggest you download Google Chrome at work, and do all of your personal surfing in Incognito Mode (i.e. Porn Mode). It should block out any spying programs.

^Oooooohhh.... Now there's some good advice!

(note to self.... go home and download Google Chrome......)

normally I would care less because of the reasons listed by you folks, but when people around here try new things they get a little over zealous, tend to over react and lose sight of the big picture.
