Balance Kaleeforneeya's Budget

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Funny...I didn't raise a single tax, and ended up with a $14.6 Billion surplus. Sure, I'd have a lot of pissed of Californians banging on my door...but what are they gonna do, sit in my lobby and sing kum-ba-yah?

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I was shocked to see that retirees get health and dental benefits in California. $1.3 BILLION is no joke!

csb- state worker who will not receive health or dental benefits from current state of employment

Also, while I like it as a consumer, I can't believe there is no tax on amusement park tickets. HELLO?! Disney, Universal, Sea World...geez...

I was shocked to see that retirees get health and dental benefits in California. $1.3 BILLION is no joke!
csb- state worker who will not receive health or dental benefits from current state of employment
retirees in IL get health and dental too, if they had 20 yrs of service they get it for free else it is at some reduced rate I believe.

Also, while I like it as a consumer, I can't believe there is no tax on amusement park tickets. HELLO?! Disney, Universal, Sea World...geez...
I'm sure the amusement parks are represented by entities that have a strong pollitical pull on the elected officials to keep it this way...

I think that the rest of the nation needs to take a BIG LOOK at California's situation.

It is the same situation that Obama is trying to create nationwide, and I think that Cali goes to prove that adding a bunch of government ran social programs, and expanding the role of government services DOES NOT work out in the long run.

Someone has to pay the bill on all these services, and that someone (if smart) will get up and leave (Mexico or Canada) before its time to pay the bill for everyone else's spending. Joe Biden can talk about american duties all he wants, but what business in their right mind will say "Sure, I'll cut my profits from 10% to 3% so that you can provide health care for illegal immigrants".

Those businesses will get the hell out of dodge, leaving nobody to pay the bill.

I think that the rest of the nation needs to take a BIG LOOK at California's situation.
It is the same situation that Obama is trying to create nationwide, and I think that Cali goes to prove that adding a bunch of government ran social programs, and expanding the role of government services DOES NOT work out in the long run.

Someone has to pay the bill on all these services, and that someone (if smart) will get up and leave (Mexico or Canada) before its time to pay the bill for everyone else's spending. Joe Biden can talk about american duties all he wants, but what business in their right mind will say "Sure, I'll cut my profits from 10% to 3% so that you can provide health care for illegal immigrants".

Those businesses will get the hell out of dodge, leaving nobody to pay the bill.
Quoted for truth, DV.

I'm sure the amusement parks are represented by entities that have a strong pollitical pull on the elected officials to keep it this way...
Don't the parks pay a ton in property taxes? Each park takes up multiple square miles.

Joe Biden can talk about american duties all he wants, but what business in their right mind will say "Sure, I'll cut my profits from 10% to 3% so that you can provide health care for illegal immigrants".
Those businesses will get the hell out of dodge, leaving nobody to pay the bill.
To further this point, the business will have to do one or both of two things. 1) raise prices to even make a profit at all thus creating inflation. 2) cut staff so they can divert payroll funds to paying taxes thus increasing unemployment. If they don't do either, they'll be going out of business with a resulting revenue stream to the government of $0.00.

Chucktown PE said:
Please tell me this was a joke. :tardbang:
Uh, what's wrong with this statement? It is merely factual. He is talking about private amusement parks like Disneyland, not public state parks. I'm certain that Disneyland pays a lot of property tax. I don't know what point he was making that you disagree with. In fact, I would think you would agree fully because he is trying to say that the private amusement parks already pay a huge amount of taxes and should not be burdened with further taxes on their tickets. That seems right up your alley. I think Disneyland already pays enough taxes, maybe you think they should pay more.

Unless of course you didn't bother to read the original post.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they pay none at all, or pay a token amount. That's th way it goes around here.
Disneyland probably gets the same Proposition 13 tax breaks that everybody else in California does. I still believe they probably pay their fair share, although I'm not sure what that fair share is. So you're for stickin it to 'em Capn'? I'm not for this new tax - I think it would be counterproductive.

Edit - actually I found this article -

Apparently they pay only around $28 million, but I don't see why they deserve to get stuck any more than any other business or residence. Plus, they bring A LOT of business to Orange County, which in turn generates revenue. Most property owners can't claim that.

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Don't the parks pay a ton in property taxes? Each park takes up multiple square miles.
But the state would be able to collect the property taxes regardless of what was there, whether it's a single "multiple square mile" operation, or several private businesses.

The fact that it's all 1 owner/operator does not change the amount of taxes owed. THe only thing that would change would be the zoning type (assuming Cali's property taxes is based on zoning).

But the state would be able to collect the property taxes regardless of what was there, whether it's a single "multiple square mile" operation, or several private businesses.
The fact that it's all 1 owner/operator does not change the amount of taxes owed. THe only thing that would change would be the zoning type (assuming Cali's property taxes is based on zoning).
THe difference is not what the zoning is, or if it is multiple owners. If the property got resold, it would be subject to a much higher tax rate. Because of Proposition 13, taxes are much lower for a place like Disneyland that was built before the 1970s and never changed owners. So assuming at least a portion of the property would have been resold after 1971 (or whenever 13 passed) the gvt could grab more money from them.

But I don't think the gvt sees the big picture - where they get all the revenue from the buisnesses around Disney, plus all the revenue from the dale of souveniers at Disneyland, which is a lot.
