April 2018 15K SPAM thread

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back in the days my phone battery lasts for days with the smaller batteries.  

I thought mama kitties could have kittens with different fur colors/hair lengths. I even think that it's possible for a litter of kitties to have more than one father involved...
The more you know.....

"Female cats, also called “queens,” usually give birth to litters of 3 to 5 kittens, but as many as 19 have been born at once. And while it’s true that every kitten on this earth is cute in its own way, even those from the same litter can look completely different. Which, frankly, explains a lot about The Aristocats.

This is because queens can be impregnated by more than one male, or tomcat, during a single ovulation period. It’s a phenomenon called “heteropaternal superfecundation.”"

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