April 2018 15K SPAM thread

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I can do 4 oil changes for less than $100 and not wait hours for the car to be ready each time

people are actually more agreeable to wait hours for their oil changes these days due to the availability of free wifi.

I remember not too long ago ppl bringing their laptops to wait out oil changes

SUVs are so popular now, because one can actually have a few beers waiting for the oil to drain and then just add new oil and oil filter back in and take a nap.

No car jacking up needed.

and all under one hour

They do have vending machines now but no alcohol in there

coming back from vacation to go to work on thursday?

Too bad we can't call in sick after vacations

140 to go.  Its reachable

Tops again

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$400 can buy alot of booze

that's probably my beer budget for more than a yr

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