April 2018 15K SPAM thread

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Sounds to me like the husband is sane but wants to keep the wife happy. Happy wife, happy life.
Haha, that is probably part of it.  He's also trying to eat healthier. But I think I wore him down over the years by never buying actual bacon. Turkey bacon actually tastes really good when it is nice and crispy. :)   

Well @vee043324, what are you going to do with the rest of your day then?
I literally don't know. I should probably reach out to my coworkers and see if any of them need help.. 

my statistics class just wrapped up yesterday (wooo!) so usually in my down time I'd work on homework and now, for once,  I don't have that anymore. 

Haha, that is probably part of it.  He's also trying to eat healthier. But I think I wore him down over the years by never buying actual bacon. Turkey bacon actually tastes really good when it is nice and crispy. :)   
Quick...Delete all of these posts.  People get all crazy around here about turkey bacon.


He's also trying to eat healthier. But I think I wore him down over the years by never buying actual bacon. Turkey bacon actually tastes really good when it is nice and crispy. :)   
In all honesty, comparing the nutritional value between the 2 choices is actually a moot point. One may be higher in saturated fat, but the other is packed full of nitrates and other "non-food" items. Everything in moderation is what I typically say. I like them both, but again, in moderation of course. :thumbs:

What do you think I've been doing the last 2 1/2 hours?
LOL...hopefully by now you have a layout drawing that looks something like this...


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