April 2017 15k spam-a-thon

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  • vhab49

    April 24

    1770 posts

  • P-E
    April 24

    1544 posts

  • EhmayWuntee
    April 25

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  • thekzieg
    April 24

    654 posts

  • Master slacker
    May 3

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  • leggo
    April 24

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  • Binkers41
    April 25

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  • Ble_PE
    April 25

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  • knight1fox3
    April 24

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  • Karissa
    April 24

    125 posts
That right there is a 98% spam rate, and that is assuming none of my other posts are spam (some of them are).

THanks Matt.

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Well if we want any chance of breaking 10k let alone try for 15k, we need rule suspension again this weekend, ideally starting Friday.... or just come to the conclusion that the rules don't hold and all go full ham!

I joined with the sole purpose of spamming to pass time... I could care less about rulez.

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