Anybody involved with Crossfit

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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I'm looking into trying this or a P90x or Insanity type program on my own. I would have to drive a good ways to get to a public gym and besides that I've got a pretty good one at home. I've been looking around the net for info on how to do a crossfit at home but I'm striking out. I know they give you a WOD (workout of the day) one thier website but its like one line. What do you do for the other 45 minutes?

I've done p90x, but wasn't able to maintain the 1.5hrs per day, 6 days per week schedule. I keep wanting to get restarted but end up grabbing a beer and watching TV instead

I'm looking into trying this or a P90x or Insanity type program on my own. I would have to drive a good ways to get to a public gym and besides that I've got a pretty good one at home. I've been looking around the net for info on how to do a crossfit at home but I'm striking out. I know they give you a WOD (workout of the day) one thier website but its like one line. What do you do for the other 45 minutes?
You don't. My WOD yesterday was a 15 min AMRAP and I was done. Some days they take longer...

What website are you looking at?

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I've also been looking into this. Dex and I were chatting about this in the 15k and it sounds like you can tailor the P90x workout to whatever your goal is (endurance, strength, weight loss, etc.). I think I am going to give it a go.

Blybrook also mentioned a book that seemed pretty intriguing to me. He is currently trying that out and says he has lost close to 50lbs. since Jan. and has done no additional working out aside from his regular rec. activities. Website is below.

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I still swear by x-fit.
I haven't done much research on x-fit so I don't know how it would compare to P90x. Looking for a routine to follow and x-fit seems to be a random jumble of things (again, don't know much about it). Plus I have 0 equipment and don't have a very large workout area.

I spent way too much money on the P90X system to only give it up halfway thru. Cross fit requires very little equipment and it constantly changes which I like. I have been doing it since Jan.

The concept behind Crossfit is that humans used to be hunters/gatherers/hunted etc etc. Most of the movements incorporate your cardio into the WOD, and you mimic how humans were designed to function... jumping, bending, lifting etc etc etc. It is also just as much about balance and control as it is lifting.

I spent way too much money on the P90X system to only give it up halfway thru. Cross fit requires very little equipment and it constantly changes which I like. I have been doing it since Jan.

The concept behind Crossfit is that humans used to be hunters/gatherers/hunted etc etc. Most of the movements incorporate your cardio into the WOD, and you mimic how humans were designed to function... jumping, bending, lifting etc etc etc. It is also just as much about balance and control as it is lifting.
Right, but where do the workouts come from? How does one know if they are effective or not? What is the schedule to follow? Can it be tailored to items I mentioned above, endurance, strength, weight loss, individually or all of the above? I'm not challenging you and X-fit EG, but these are the questions I was asking in searching for a suitable workout program. I used to work out at the gym every day. But with owning a house, work, and grad school, going to the gym just isn't possible presently. So I'm looking for a home workout solution.

I tried crossfit but quit going because I felt like it was the cause of some knee problems I started having. I really liked the intensity and the workout but I felt like because of the pace of the workout as you go your form for each exercise can suffer which can lead to injuries. The knee problems that I was having weren't anything major but they were effecting my running and I really wasn't fond of that. Once I quit going to crossfit the knee problems stopped. Anecdotal evidence I know, but I'm not likely to go back to doing crossfit.

lol, there are several different websites that actually provide free WOD's, so you don't have to come up with them on your own. Some you may not be able to do at home, if you don't have the equipment, but for the most part, if you have a bucket of rocks, a few bags of sand, a sturdy box, pull up bar or something like that, and a weighted piece of pvc pipe... you can get started.

I can tell you that I measure the effectiveness in terms of all sorts of numbers... body measurements every 4-6 weeks, repeating some of the WOD's to see if you are able to complete it with a higher weight/ number of reps or in less time. And the goal of the entire concept is to work on your endurance AND your strength at the same time. Weight loss is just a side effect from moving.

It isn't for everyone... I just found it has worked for me.

The best website out there is these guys are pretty much the originals...
