basically Isc x Tr gives the current, you know the power 435W solve for |Z|
Art, I'm not really sure what Tr is? The Z base wasn't a problem and had that part, it's finding the actual (|Z|) with the given info. Pretty sure for short circuit test it's actually the r value, X value for open. Anyway.
I took 2 different approaches to this one, both a different answer though, but off by a factor of 1000.
1. Using Zpu = Vpu / I pu. Where Iact=4.35 (Isc), Ibase= 500MVA/115KV=4.34 and Vact=2500 (Vsc) and Vbase given as 115K.
so Ipu=4.35/4.34=1.01 and Vpu=2500/115000=.0217
then Zpu=.0217/1.01= .0217
The other I tried was this:
Zact=V/I=2500/4.35=574.7 (but -- using the Psc=(Isc)^2 x R would give a different answer?)
so zpu=574.7/26.45=21.7
Guess I'm off somewhere and probably something very simple - I'll be doing one of these :brick:
Wolverine: possible to post what the solution manual has?