Animals Fleeing Yellowstone Spark Fears of Volcanic Eruption

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the rest of my pre-recruited commune showed up and then we would progress into our own sustainable community until hostilities became to great that we would be forced to over throw what ever government emerged and then eventually proceed to take over the world.
So, is safe?

the rest of my pre-recruited commune showed up and then we would progress into our own sustainable community until hostilities became to great that we would be forced to over throw what ever government emerged and then eventually proceed to take over the world.
So, is safe?
I ain't gonna come get you if that is what you are asking, lol...

I would guess that, unfortunately, many EB members would be in the initial phase of catastrophic deaths..., the mid-west group would be impacted the next, with ash accumulation possibly enough to collapse buildings (not to mention you can't breath that stuff and live very long), with the east coasters having enough of a potential warning to avoid much of the inhalant risk but left to deal with the shear and udder disastrous panic attacks of an aftermath. Depending on the level of superness of the volcanic eruption, we are talking mere days for the ash to- at a minimum- coat much of Europe with dust, so forget help from them. That said, of course you would be welcome to come eat some MRE's with me if you were able to figure out how to get here :)

EDIT- Oh and I have parts Cali potentially safe depending on the weather... I think Alaska would be the best place to weather this disaster initially, until the climate changes started to happen

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in my passionate reply, I spelled utter, udder... ha ha ha.

and yes, sometimes I scare myself, I don't purposely try to remember all this random information, but it sticks into my brain. I once looked into making my own sausage, and now, forever etched into my brain are two different alternatives on how to build a salt box in order to cure meat.

All this talk of an apocalypses makes me want to buy a crossbow. Remember, conserve ammo and aim for the head.
