Animals Fleeing Yellowstone Spark Fears of Volcanic Eruption

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NJmike PE

Game Czar
May 17, 2013
Reaction score

According to Epoch Times, multiple videos of such incidents have been posted online recently, one of which shows a herd of buffalo allegedly leaving the park and “running for their lives.” Although people behind the discussion acknowledge there’s no way to predict when the park’s massive volcano could erupt, they believe the reaction of the Yellowstone’s animals could signal some kind of alert.

On March 30, Yellowstone was struck by the most powerful earthquake it has experienced since 1980 – a 4.8 magnitude quake that did no damage, but that some believe could be connected to the various animals’ movements.

echoes of the movie 2012. Where's Charlie Frost? Remember, you heard it here first.

I don't know. Maybe they are out for a morning run. But a volcano eruption would help combat global warming.

^ When they show up in NJ they'll wish they took their chances with the volcano.


Well, maybe I am glad I live halfway across the world. Of course, if Yellowstone goes off again, we'll die over here, too, it will just take alot longer than for you folks there in the path of the pyroclastic flows.


The most significant climate impacts from volcanic injections into the stratosphere come from the conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid, which condenses rapidly in the stratosphere to form fine sulfate aerosols. The aerosols increase the reflection of radiation from the Sun back into space, cooling the Earth's lower atmosphere or troposphere.
It might not be a bad thing after all.

You can't live off of MREs and Shakeology forever.

true, but while the population on the east coast would be paralyzed by the ash, I would be better off than most of them because I won't be out in the hordes of panicked people trying to purchase masks, food and other supplies, I could resurface a few months later when everyone is panicked because of food shortages and start selling things I grew in a makeshift greenhouse garden until the rest of my pre-recruited commune showed up and then we would progress into our own sustainable community until hostilities became to great that we would be forced to over throw what ever government emerged and then eventually proceed to take over the world.
