In addition to EERM7 and NCEES sample problems, I used:
Digital design by Wakerly (referred a lot during test)
The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz (for a few of questions)
Used these for at least one question:
Computer networks by Peterson and Davie
Operating Systems by Silberschatz, Galvin
Software Engineering by Schach
Data Structures by Ellis Horowitz
Schaum's Computer Architecture
I also used digital design books by Mano (for Hamming codes) and Uyemura (for precharge/evaluate) during the prep
From the Wakerly book I read:
- Number systems & codes
- Digital circuits (CMOS basics, fanin/fanout, transmission gates, three state outputs, BJT, basics of logic families)
- Combinatorial (k-maps, basics of hazards)
- Sequential (metastability, latches & flip-flops, basics of synchronous state machines)
Th BJT explanation in Wakerly is the best I've come across.