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Chicago still has the milkman...his name is oberweiss. They deliver milk to the house in glass bottles.

There's actually a local company where I live that will deliver milk to your house, but it's cost prohibitive for us due to the sheer amount of milk the kiddos drink.

Both UPS and FEDEX deliver packages to the post office who in turn has the mailman deliver our packages. It will have some growing pains but the post office will survive.

small towns will always want the yellow pages

Local papers will always exist therefore the classifieds wont die

Block buster my be closing, but why is family video expanding year after yr if the video store is going away

small/rural areas will always have land lines cell signal is too sporadic

We just bought a phone that came with an answering machine. still easier than trying to access voice mail and cheaper too than the voice mail feature from the phone com,pany

a lot of your local papers only make a profit due to the classified ads your government is required to post in the paper to inform the public (which rarely no one reads anyways) take a look and see how many classified ads are from your county or city government next time your using it to line your bird cage with :)

^Funny you mention that.

Our local rag gives away weekday papers to weekend only subscribers when they have gauranteed their advertisers a certain distribution number on weekday papers. We got one yesterday because there was a special USC sports supplement with a lot of nice glossy, full page, $$$$ ads.

Every Friday paper from mid-Novemeber to the New Year is thrown in too, because of the Christmas ads.

But, the Lion's share of the legal ads go to a weekly rag because they are so much cheaper than the daily rag (which only has invitations to bid and adoption notices--they require statewide distribution, pparently).

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What's frightening to me is a very small, simple, strange little thing - the loss of honey-bees. No bees, no pollination, no fruit, no vegetables.

(say, didn't Seinfeld make an animated movie about that?)

i figured out that I could put an ad with minimal text and a http:\\ link to the actual ad online in the paper and I saved us 2K a month on advertising fee's..

Im just suprised that I havent gotten called on the carpet for saving tax payer money I mean ....or taking money away from the local paper..

What's frightening to me is a very small, simple, strange little thing - the loss of honey-bees. No bees, no pollination, no fruit, no vegetables.

(say, didn't Seinfeld make an animated movie about that?)

Bee movie...we have it. Just watched it last week.

RE: movie store..

there is a place called Movie Stop here in Atlanta burbs (off Barrett Pkwy near I-575) I believe its also owned by GameStop..

Its a good concept and they seem to be doing well., they sell you used DVD's and most are in the $5.00 range, some are higher, some are lower, they also sell new DVD's at full price..

But we have gotten a kick out of going to this place every other weekend and finding old movies that you cant find in redbox (fuck I hate redbox) for about $20 we can find 4 movies or so to enjoy, the kids have enjoyed watching some of our old favorites (Better of Dead, City Slickers, stand by me, etc)

Kind of wish I would have thought of the idea cause I do miss the rental store where you could wonder around looking for a movie..

There are a lot of individuals starting their own bee colonies...so that may help with the other losses. I don't know if the extreme seasonal changes we have been seeing these last few years are to blame or what
