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Following the shoreline around the lake, AZO is about an hour flight, its about 45 minutes if I fly it direct. We may have to scheme something up in August or September. The weather is usually a little less volatile and my schedule starts to wind down a little after Oshkosh.

I will drive, but I'm pretty sure I'll need some help with gas money.

Hmmm. Lake Michigan has a beach doesn't it? But I don't think the water would ever get warm enough for me.

Ha ha ha, I swam in Lake Superior last October. It was about 47 degrees.

Lk Michigan gets warmer than that but I don't know how warm.

Lake Travis near where I live, just hit 78 degrees. Lake Austin is usually about 10 degrees cooler because it's the next lowest lake in the chain. So, 47 might be a little chilly.

My one and only experience with Lake Michigan was back in highschool. My family roadtripped up there to visit my mom's side of the family in the Lansing area, and while we were up there we ended up spending the day at the "beach" of Lake Michigan picking oysters. It was June-July and we went swimming for a while.

I think at times Lake Michigan can approach 70 degrees, but not until late in the summer.

I doubt you picked oysters in MI, I thought they only lived in saltwater. There's plenty of clams around though.

It might have been clams, I wasn't really paying attention. All I really remember was that you had to feel around in the silt with your feet until you found a "rock" and you had to reach down and grab it quickly before it swam off. Also had to be careful that they didn't "bite" your toes. I don't really remember what we did with the bucketful we collected...

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