10 Tarnished Halo Cars

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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In the current issue of Automotive News, Ford executive Mark Fields is asked whether Lincoln needs a "halo car." He smartly ducks the question: "We want to make sure every vehicle we bring out with Lincoln is a halo car."
Many automotive terms have become anachronistic or simply defunct over the years -- rumble seat, four-on-the floor, carburetor -- but for some reason, the notion of the "halo car" survives. It's a car with a stylish design or unusual features meant to draw customers into a showroom but not generate a lot of sales -- or make a lot of money.

While halo cars may look heavenly when they are conceived, as often as not they end up as fallen angels. They are dismissed as automotive curiosities that failed to capture public imagination, while creating an effect exactly opposite to the one they were designed for: damaging brands rather than lifting them. Here are some classic examples of tarnished halos:

Chrysler Crossfire 2003-2007

Conceived as a tribute to the ill-fated merger of Daimler-Benz and Chrysler, 80% of the Crossfire's parts came from Mercedes, and the car itself was assembled in Germany. But just as Chrysler itself never warmed to the Daimler takeover, customers never warmed to the Crossfire's mixed parentage, leaving huge inventories of unsold cars. After peaking at 35,700, annual sales dribbled down to 2,000 before Chrysler, in a pre-bankruptcy restructuring, ceased production.

other 9 cars at link: http://autos.yahoo.com/news/10-tarnished-halo-cars.html

I like the Solstice, the Allante, the Reatta and the Avanti.

I think the SSR is pretty cool but kida foolish.

The crossfire (especially the roadster)m look like a nice ride too.

FWIW, I wouldn't consider any of these "halo" cars.

I had a PT for a rental one time. It reminded me of the original VW bug. Couldn't punch it's way out of a paper bag, but it was fun to bomb around town. I'll bet a convertible would be a fun ride.

^Same here. Had one as a rental and was underwhelmed by the acceleration. Kind of a fun little car but not one I would chose to own.

The PT Cruiser, in my book is a toilet paper car - something that I would use to wipe my caboose. My brothers and I rented one when we went to LA way back in the day of single-dom. We loaded our gear in the back, sat down in the car, and we all had the same thought - "this is a lesbian car".

I remember a local dealership had a promo: "Buy a Blackwood, get a Cougar for free!"

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Surprised I didn't see the Plymouth Prowler...
I thought the same thing. That was clearly designed to get people into the dealership. I remember a local dealership had one, and wouldn't sell it because it brought people in off the street.

I remember a local dealership had a promo: "Buy a Blackwood, get a Cougar for free!"
My sister recently called me to settle a bet between her and her husband. She was claiming that Kia had a BOGO promotion a while back and he refused to believe it. I broke the stalemate on her side because they absolutely gave away a Rio when you bought a Sportage around about the time the Sportage first came out.
