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    Remote Opportunities for Electrical Engineers

    Hello, I'm sort of dipping my toe into the job market and I was wondering if anyone had direct/indirect knowledge of any remote job opportunities for EEs?  Something adjacent to the MEP or power industry would be preferable but not a requirement.  I appreciate any feedback. 
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    2019 Novel Coronavirus

    There's just a large percentage of the population which feels wearing a mask is an inconvenience that is incongruent with the standard of living they're supposed to have as Americans.  From a public health standpoint I agree it's wrong, but it's not surprising.
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    I don’t believe weed helps everything... CO legislating weed for autism?

    All I'm thinking of is Rainman dropping his bag and counting the seeds instantaneously.
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    Just got an NCEES email saying October PE exams are canceled.

    Yes, I have.  No one knows if that is the final version that is going to pop up on your monitor in a testing center 5ish months from now.  Like all the other reference documents, it's going to be consistently evolving and amended.  And questions on the exams are thrown out if the review...
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    Just got an NCEES email saying October PE exams are canceled.

    And all of that page flipping is now gone.  That simply means you have that much more time to actually solve the problems, assuming the exam is still 8 hours in length. Another positive is that you functionally can take (or retake) the test whenever you want now since it's administered...
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    Just got an NCEES email saying October PE exams are canceled.

    As much as I expected this outcome it still stinks for everyone who has been practicing to take the test in the traditional method.  I am sorry, folks.  Know that no time or money that you've spent preparing for the exam is a waste, as even if you can't take your resources into the test with you...
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    delete topic

    Starting January 2nd the exam moves to CBT format and you can schedule it for any time of year you like.  That should free up your schedule a lot.
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    Watts Per Square Foot by Building Type

    Hi all, Does anyone know of a resource (or a passage in the NEC) that provides typical watts per square ft of a building based upon building type and function?  I am aware of NEC 220.12 but that only accounts for lighting VA loads.  I am talking about the entire electrical load of the building...
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    Game Plan for Oct 20'

    I took my exam back in '18 so I am a little dated at this point.  Graffeo was my most prized textbook resource on the exam and I'm sorry to hear it's not as applicable now.  I am assuming it's due to the greater emphasis on protection now?  Graffeo did cover it but not to the degree I imagine is...
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    If anything I see them redoubling their efforts to expedite the transition over to CBT for PEs for all disciplines, given that it looks like life will be reoriented around social distancing for the next couple of years while a vaccine is still being developed.
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    As an April 2018 test taker I'll preface by saying I'm sorry everybody.  I can only imagine your frustration right now. But folks, if you end up having to do the CBT I doubt you have much reason to feel dismayed.  As @RBHeadge PE mentioned, pass rates are higher with CBT exams than pencil/paper...
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    MBA Program

    Has anyone here done an MBA program in the evenings while working full-time as an engineer? If so, how would you compare the difficulty of the course work / time constraints compared to studying for the PE or completing an undergraduate engineering degree?  
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    April 2019 Power PE Exam

    I'm glad to read the consensus seems to be it was better on the test takers than the last couple of sessions.  I can't believe it has been a full year since I put myself through that meat grinder.
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    April 2019 Power PE Exam

    I'm sorry to hear about your job.  What a terrible variable to throw into your test day.  But let us be confident that it only made you more determined to pass!
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    2017 Complex Imaginary

    I found them helpful, especially the NEC book. It provides for a foundational understanding of the material one can expect to see on the exam.  At the same time the question difficulty doesn't reflect what you'll encounter on the actual exam.  That being said, no practice exam really does.
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    Power Cutscore October 2018

    Is there a way to access your surveys for previous exams?  
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    Power Cutscore October 2018

    I'll be the first to say School of PE lectures are hit or miss, but I don't think I would have passed without their notes.  Especially with regard to protection, since I know that is of particular concern.
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    I did not crack open Blackburn while taking the PE exam (or even read it with any consistency for preparation).  I found the protection information in the notes from School of PE was sufficiently detailed such that I was able to pass the exam, as well as easier to navigate.  I took my exam back...
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    Power Cutscore October 2018

    @Baconator on the pulse again.
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    April 2019

    Sometime in 2021.