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  1. D

    Problem 530 (NCEES)

    12.47 kV is the distribution line voltage (High side voltage). It could be 3 wire Delta 12.47 kV (no ground wire connection) or 4 wire WYE 7.2 kV (12.47/sqrt(3)=7.2) line-ground, 12.47 kV line-line). It depends on how you connect the transformer. The low side winding of each single phase...
  2. D

    Texas Test Results

    Agreed! I failed in October as well. Second try did the trick!! I studied on my own for the first, and took testmasters for the second.
  3. D

    Texas results in!!!!

    Congrats, everyone!!
  4. D

    Texas results in!!!!

  5. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    Someone in another thread said that they check and there was no change, checked again 30 minutes later and it said he passed... So, no its not changing with much advance or at all...
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    Expected Results Before May 24th

    I check the Texas PE webpage and it still just shows the 2016 results.... I was so damn close to not have to be going though this again....
  7. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    One says Electrical power and the other says Mech HVAC... Do two people have their results or is it photoshopped.....
  8. D

    No work on potential release day

    Hahaha yeah, I was within a few weeks of not having a valid license to take the PE. I wonder what happens if you go in there with the paper license... lol
  9. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    This one...
  10. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    I was able to log into NCEES.... still pending Does anyone else keep seeing the green box, only to realize that its green for the FE results??
  11. D

    No work on potential release day

    Well, neither you or I have gotten any work done this morning... I did make an early trip to the DMV to get my DL renewed, in and out in 30 minutes, got there 15 minutes before it opened, so I feel like that's an accomplishment....
  12. D

    Results will be released on Friday

    Sorry for the double re-post from another Topic but.... The Texas PE Board agenda for the meeting yesterday, Wednesday, says "Results and Statistics: Application and Examination Report." So... that means that the boards had the results yesterday.
  13. D

    Today is the day!

    Texas PE Board Agenda. The meeting was yesterday and line 6 shows "Results and Statistics: Application and Examination Report."
  14. D

    Today is the day!

    I have had today marked as the day results would be released from the start. It matches up with last years release date. In October the results were release around 4 PM central.
  15. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    Fair enough! I am expecting 5 PM next Friday... I am hoping for 5 PM today... I don't think NCEES has ever gotten slower. So, that would mean next Friday is the worst case, hopefully...
  16. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    Agreed, why would anyone get back on this board after they passed the test?
  17. D

    Expected Results Before May 24th

    I honesty doubt the NCEES enjoys you trying to verify every rumor on this board... Just sayin'
  18. D

    The wait is worse than taking the exam!!!

    I didn't realize this board invented Fake News, before Fake News was a thing.
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  20. D


    No one said hi to me, so I wanted to say hi to you! Welcome!