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Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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    CBT PE exam result

    From the examinee guide: Depending on which topics need items to build up the bank determines where the pretest items are located. That's why there are ranges to each topic.
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    No SE Exam Location in Maryland!?

    Yes. Please see the following link on the NCEES website for more information - April 2022 PE Structural exam administration - NCEES.
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    Just got an NCEES email saying October PE exams are canceled.

    The best way to submit a comment is to use your MyNCEES account. Click the ? by your name in the upper right hand corner and then choose the "ask" option to submit a help ticket detailing your concerns. 
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    Just got an NCEES email saying October PE exams are canceled.

    I passed along the comments and heard the following back from our exam development engineer and publications manager: This item was updated from the 2017 PE Power practice exam into an alternative item type (AIT).  Option A has now been revised to eliminate any confusion. You can see the...
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    October 2020 Exams

    Bolded text above is not correct. While plans for the October administration could change based on individual site requirements, we are adding another administration in January for PE Civil only (largest remaining pencil and paper population) to provide an additional opportunity for examinees...
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    Just got an NCEES email saying October PE exams are canceled.

    A new sample book has been published. The only difference between it and the previous sample book is that four alternative item types have been added - and they’re all available in the free preview.
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    Calling all licensed civil engineers!

    NCEES is currently in the process of reviewing and updating the specifications for the PE Civil exams. This is a process we go through every six to seven years to ensure we are testing the appropriate topics. We are using an online survey to obtain input from  licensed engineers in the...
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    Corona Spam Thread??

    Currently, for CBT exams, masks are provided by the examinees. They must be removed for ID check and inspection. I suspect the October pencil and paper administration will be similar.
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    October 2019 P.E. ELECTRICAL POWER

    As a reminder, during your exam, you agreed to and signed the following, “Nor will I reveal in whole or in part any exam questions, answers, problems, or solutions to anyone during or after the exam, whether orally, in writing, on any internet chat rooms, or otherwise. I understand that failure...
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    Calling all Licensed Electrical Engineers

    NCEES is currently in the process of reviewing and updating the specifications for the PE Electrical and Computer exams. We are using an online survey to obtain input from the electrical engineering community. We have extended the time that this survey will be active. Please visit the following...
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    Virginia Scores LOWER than NCEES avg!

    The Virginia Board was notified and updated their meeting minutes. In the initial minutes, only repeat takers were shown. The minutes have been revised to include the first-time takers as well. Here is a link to the revised minutes...
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    Dont end up like this guy..

    We did have problems with some of our archives when we launched the new website. Here's a PDF of the Licensure Exchange article from June 2007. Page_5_from_LEx_June_07_for_Web.pdf
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    Looking for Assistance from Industrial Engineers

    My name is Tim Miller and I'm the Director of Exam Services at NCEES. We are currently reviewing the exam specification for the Industrial PE exam and we need your assistance. Working with the Institute of Industrial Engineers, a survey has been developed regarding exam topics necessary to...
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    Computer Based Testing

    I know I don't normally post on here and I won't be answering specific questions; however, I thought it was necessary to point out a few things in regard to the original post. Yes, the Council did vote to move towards CBT as soon as feasible, but only the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and the...
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    NCEES Agreement

    As a reminder, when you took the NCEES examination you signed an agreement that included the statement that you agreed you “will not reveal in whole or part any exam questions, answers, problems, or solutions to anyone during or after the exam, whether orally, in writing, or any internet chat...
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    Posting Questions from Exams

    Just to let you know, the person who posted the question from the April exam has been located, their exam has been invalidated, and their state board has been notified. It is up to the state board to determine if further sanctions are required. As a reminder, everyone who takes any NCEES exam...