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  1. Fudgey

    Which President... you think would make the worst porn star? I was going to go with Nixon, but with a name like Tricky Dick I figure he would get porn points for a cool porn name. Then I thought about Jimmy Carter, too much of a gentlemen to be a effective porn star. Then I decided on Reagan. He was...
  2. Fudgey

    A Christmas Miracle

    When I was but a lad of thirteen, I knew I was destined for toilet clogging greatness. Nary a month would pass without incident of my mudslide avalanche causing the porcelain village to be overwhelmed with my puckered pooper's offerings. Fortunately for the toilet, mudslides were confined to the...
  3. Fudgey

    Illinois Results October 2013

    I got my results today and passed with flying colors!! My bad cholesterol is down, platelet count is pretty good, and I got my iron levels back to a healthier level.
  4. Fudgey

    That meteor over Russia

    Is it possible that what we think is a meteorite is actually a poop from some massive, asteroid-eating space creature? If so then did this creature just eat some asteroids, poop nonchalantly, move along, and then its turd just happened to make its way to Earth, or did this creature deliberately...
  5. Fudgey

    More TV Show Ideas

    I know I've posted these before, but when I'm in the car or waiting room or some other place where my mind wanders, I like to think of ideas for new TV shows or movies. I've never pitched one, but I think some of them are pretty solid concepts. I came up with a few more for TV shows the other...
  6. Fudgey

    Perspective is important

    I recently had an ear infection and was given the antibiotic Keflex to take to clear it up. I went to Wal-Mart about four hours after I had taken the first dose and had no idea I needed to do anything—meaning poop. And out of nowhere, while I was mid-step, I just shat myself right in the Lawn...
  7. Fudgey

    Sales - a life on the road

    So as you know I left the consulting world a couple of years ago and took a sales/tech rep for a vendor that sells water treatment equipment. It was what I could find at the time. It's not bad, but I spend a lot of time visiting clients pushing our stuff and doing training and support. Doing...
  8. Fudgey

    I got another date!

    After a couple years of striking out, the Fudgeman has himself another date lined up for this evening. I struck up a conversation while getting my car worked on with a lovely woman who works for an accounting firm. I went for it and asked her out, and to my surprise, she said yes! We are...
  9. Fudgey

    Happy Birthday AN_US!

    It's been a while since you've been around Ann? How have you been? Send us a little toot to let us know you're ok. Hope you have a great birthday. So cut loose, let 'er rip, and don't be a party pooper. And if you get to cut the cake, I hope it's a chocolate cheesecake.
  10. Fudgey

    Bad nights at the bar

    I got good and loaded the other night, tripped off the curb and took a faceplant on the street. This reminded me of some my other fateful nights of drinking. I figured this would be a good thread to share some of your rougher nights... When I was twenty-one years old I went to a bar with my...
  11. Fudgey

    Would you eat a unicorn?

    I would if I had no choice but otherwise it would be like eating a dead horse I imagine. Not something that sounds very tasty. I imagine unicorn would be slightly more tender with magic sparkles. I bet unicorn horn marrow would have some interesting qualities as well.
  12. Fudgey

    What is the manliest thing you ever did?

    I uses to masturtbate daily but that is something girls do as well, so that dones't qualify. I once helped change a tire, but my sister did most of the work, so I can't get much credit for that. I think the most manly thing I have ever done is go fishing. I wasn't good at it but it still counts...
  13. Fudgey

    Construction Site Resident

    Have you guys ever been on a construction site for an extended period of time? I did a few years back, and it was quite an adventure. Any other funny stories would be appreciated! It was the summer of 2000, and I was working on a construction site in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was a junior...
  14. Fudgey

    Caught brown handed!

    Pet owners beware!
  15. Fudgey

    What would you do in this situation?

    What would you do if you got sentient herpes? With most herpes the soultion of course would be to get the medicine you need to get rid of them. But could you kill herpes if they were living, seintent beings? Not just that but, they can even communicate with you. Imagine if the Herpeions were a...
  16. Fudgey

    A question about itchiness

    I had to scratch one of my man ****s last night, and it made me think about female ****s. I don't think I have ever seen a female scratch her ****ies to take care of a itch, even though I stare at them enough that you would think I would have spotted this at least once. Do female ****s even...
  17. Fudgey

    I need some advice

    How do I fart on command? I know burping on command is easy to do, but how do I fart on command by sucking air in my butt and farting it out? I have seen people on YouTube doing it successfully. I have been trying to figure this one out for a long time. I've been searching the web for how to do...
  18. Fudgey

    World Cup 2010

    And people wonder why Americans don't like soccer...
  19. Fudgey

    Life at my new Job

    Hey everyone! Miss me lately? As some of you already know, I lost my old job and ended up taking a new one in sales as a rep for a water treatment vendor. It's going really well so far. It's pretty hectic, and I'm on the road a lot. But my personality is better suited for laying the charm on...
  20. Fudgey

    If pornography was banned?

    Let's say it's the not too distant future and the long battle is over. The opponents of pornography (the religious right, certain feminists, parents groups) have won. Your leaders, with the endorsement of telecom companies and (most of) the film and television industry, have now made a...