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  1. z06dustin

    How many EEs and CSEs does the NHTSA have working for it?

  2. z06dustin

    Date Advice

    Why not just find a chick that's into scat?
  3. z06dustin

    Plane Crash in Austin

    After consideration, I've decided the phalanx would just cause more problems than it would solve. After they were installed, Cesna and other manufacturers would just upgrade their planes to survive multiple strikes from 20mm rounds, which would require 25mm installations, which would prompt...
  4. z06dustin

    Is the Resume Dead?

    I keep an updated resume which I think looks pretty good.... I'm not sure you'd be able to land a job without one. I know in the past I've thrown out a candidate for having typos on his resume.
  5. z06dustin

    New Job

    Big xfmrs, circuit breakers, switchgear, etc. Thanks.
  6. z06dustin

    SC people, take note!

    Well I'm American, so it can't be completely my fault, nothing ever is. It must just be the english language. Why is destain even a word? Do you deopen something?
  7. z06dustin

    That's How They Get You

    I'm pretty sure they don't inject salt water into the meat. Saline solution maybe.... but salt water? C'mon. ;)
  8. z06dustin

    SC people, take note!

    Benbo you should adopt that grammar nazi avatar as well. Good catch, I literally had to look it up, I didn't know how to spell it, and apparently have been pronouncing it wrong as well.
  9. z06dustin

    SC people, take note!

    I bought a house, and I'm still in school half-time so tuition is deductable. Thank you all for financing a few Vegas trips this year. My effective tax rate was below 10% for the first time in a very long time.
  10. z06dustin

    Electrical PE - Computer

    Welcome to the board MeanEE. That link appears to be broken or old. Before someone else chastises you, try the search feature. Here's what I came up with in 20 seconds of searching: This might have been the thread guld was...
  11. z06dustin

    SC people, take note!

    I wonder if they do that both to cut costs on paper, and to encourage e-filing? Capt, not that it's any of my business, but why NOT e-file? It's so much easier. This year I *had* to paper file due to some extra forms I had to use (really looking forward to that $10.5k tax return btw) and I...
  12. z06dustin

    New Job

    Not only am I the president....
  13. z06dustin

    New Job

    This morning I accepted a new job as an Apparatus Engineer. There's some international travel for witness testing which I'm looking forward to, and I'm in general pretty pumped about the opportunity. Plus..... I still have a job in this economy. :party-smiley-048:
  14. z06dustin

    stupid tax question of the day

    I don't know the specifics behind the item, but if you're going to do that, why not just keep the dividend? Reinvesting then selling has two transaction fees. Cashing out a dividend is free.
  15. z06dustin

    Breaking Wind -Revisited

    Looks to be capacity (of installed generation... the 'demand' is screwing with me because I think of 'demand' as meter demand / power not energy). If it was written by an engineer, it definitely means power because they're talking MW and not MWhr... but if it's by a lit major who knows.
  16. z06dustin

    stupid tax question of the day

    I don't think so. I'm not a CPA, but I fool around with options and always have to dig thru tons of records to pay my taxes. Here's my stab at it, again, I DON'T KNOW this is just how I would pay them. You did in fact pay tax on your dividends... however that's basically treated as a form of...
  17. z06dustin

    NCEES #136

    man Flyer is on a roll today.
  18. z06dustin

    Requesting government rate for vacation

    Personally I'm just surprised that the gov't rates are less than the free market rates that anyone else can get. Whatever happened to price gouging Uncle Sam? I would think that if the rooms are taxed (when I worked for a coop, our rooms were untaxed because we were non-profit.... don't know...
  19. z06dustin

    Power Factor - Leading/Lagging - Angles

    I agree with everything Flyer said. Some things to add: ELI the ICE man. Voltage leads current in an inductor. (E before I in an L) Current leads voltage in a cap. (I before E in a C) Given that, use S=VI* and you can determine if the power vector (in VA) is leading or lagging. I think if...
  20. z06dustin

    Plane Crash in Austin

    wouldn't it be easier to just change the code to put a phalanx on each roof?