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  1. RIP - VTEnviro

    ~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

    -3 feels like -24.
  2. RIP - VTEnviro

    'Masturbation classes' rumour sparks boycott

    Sounds like they avoided a sticky situation.
  3. RIP - VTEnviro

    CVS to stop selling cigarettes by Oct. 1

    My mom works for a CVS. She works the opening shift and the only thin people are buying the first hour or so is a pack of smokes.
  4. RIP - VTEnviro

    Happy birthday, PE-ness!

    Did you frost your own cake this year?
  5. RIP - VTEnviro

    ~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

    They bumped up the temps for the week here fortunately. I wasn't looking for a couple nights of -25 again, we'll get more like -15 instead.
  6. RIP - VTEnviro

    'One ring' phone scam

    ^Same here.
  7. RIP - VTEnviro

    'One ring' phone scam

    One ring to rule them all...
  8. RIP - VTEnviro

    Changing my engineering major

    Obviously a degree from Europe is superior.
  9. RIP - VTEnviro

    Chicago Location

    If you can't figure it out, you probably shouldn't be taking the test to start with.
  10. RIP - VTEnviro


    I wonder if this win will get the 'game manager' moniker off of him.
  11. RIP - VTEnviro

    ~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

    3 and feels like -13 right now. Time to take a vacation to Minnesota or SD to warm the **** up.
  12. RIP - VTEnviro

    Passing the FE without an undergrad degree in engineering

    I doubt it but I'd love to see an age breakdown. I was too busy taking all these really tough senior or grad level classes and looking for a job. I took it a year after graduation.
  13. RIP - VTEnviro


  14. RIP - VTEnviro


    I'm switching between marathons of Cops and Star Trek: TNG.
  15. RIP - VTEnviro

    funny pic thread

    Sounds like a real shitstorm.
  16. RIP - VTEnviro

    --**-- The Infirmary --**--

    Wow, this busted nose thing has been going on for a while now. I'm waiting for someone to shove a curling iron up the damned thing to cauterize it.
  17. RIP - VTEnviro

    funny pic thread

  18. RIP - VTEnviro

    ~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

    The high here is 2. It's positive, I'm not.
  19. RIP - VTEnviro

    funny pic thread

    Love sour cream, bacon I could take or especially leave.
  20. RIP - VTEnviro


    Seattle 27 - Denver 23.