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  1. Fudgey

    Would you eat a unicorn?

    I would if I had no choice but otherwise it would be like eating a dead horse I imagine. Not something that sounds very tasty. I imagine unicorn would be slightly more tender with magic sparkles. I bet unicorn horn marrow would have some interesting qualities as well.
  2. Fudgey

    What is the manliest thing you ever did?

    I uses to masturtbate daily but that is something girls do as well, so that dones't qualify. I once helped change a tire, but my sister did most of the work, so I can't get much credit for that. I think the most manly thing I have ever done is go fishing. I wasn't good at it but it still counts...
  3. Fudgey

    How did that happen?

    Wow, calling youself interesting isn't arrogant or presumptuous in any way. I find most of your posts are done simply with the intent of stirring the pot.
  4. Fudgey

    Eco friendly water bottles

    +1 LOTR GFY. Not convinced Frodo was always a guy to start with either.
  5. Fudgey

    Construction Site Resident

    The concrete was good but I made them tear out a section of the parking lot becuase it was not compacted densely enough. I was fresh out of school, they assigned me this job because no one else wanted it.
  6. Fudgey

    Construction Site Resident

    Have you guys ever been on a construction site for an extended period of time? I did a few years back, and it was quite an adventure. Any other funny stories would be appreciated! It was the summer of 2000, and I was working on a construction site in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I was a junior...
  7. Fudgey

    Caught brown handed!

    Pet owners beware!
  8. Fudgey

    I want to become an environmental engineer??

    Crotch Sniffing?
  9. Fudgey

    non-eng job after college

    You want a great job that pays well and has benefits, prestige, etc....yet you don't want to work for it. Might I suggest a job on the night crew at a McDonald's in France? Which branch did you go AWOL from? It's been a while so I forget.
  10. Fudgey

    What would you do in this situation?

    What would you do if you got sentient herpes? With most herpes the soultion of course would be to get the medicine you need to get rid of them. But could you kill herpes if they were living, seintent beings? Not just that but, they can even communicate with you. Imagine if the Herpeions were a...
  11. Fudgey

    SC results are in

    Not when you are waiting to hear back about your PE-Ness like me.
  12. Fudgey

    Results in Before December 17th?

    AN_US always gave me problems. And she'd always toot her horn at the worst times.
  13. Fudgey

    What do you think is the cut score for PE Civil Oct 2010? (Raw ?/80)

    Hey, we can't all write the NAMBLA chapter newsletter, so we take what we can get.
  14. Fudgey

    A question about itchiness

    Here's an example of someone who I bet gets really itchy ****s.
  15. Fudgey

    A question about itchiness

    I had to scratch one of my man ****s last night, and it made me think about female ****s. I don't think I have ever seen a female scratch her ****ies to take care of a itch, even though I stare at them enough that you would think I would have spotted this at least once. Do female ****s even...
  16. Fudgey

    I need some advice

    How do I fart on command? I know burping on command is easy to do, but how do I fart on command by sucking air in my butt and farting it out? I have seen people on YouTube doing it successfully. I have been trying to figure this one out for a long time. I've been searching the web for how to do...
  17. Fudgey

    Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

    Hey guys, I've been promoted! Even got my own office with personal bathroom facilities now. What's new everyone?
  18. Fudgey

    It's Friday!!!!

    Mojitos you say? Uh...
  19. Fudgey

    World Cup 2010
