Passed the PE? How dd you do it?

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[SIZE=medium]Guys, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] I can’t believe that only less than 2 months are left before the exam. Now I am getting scared, as I still need to read a lot. I have been doing sample exams lately and for some reason, I cannot get more than 65. Either it is silly mistakes are wrong bush buttons on the calculator. Can someone tell me how many questions on the main exam will be similar or exactly the same to one on NCEES sample exam? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Thank you, [/SIZE]



well i appeared only one time , but trust me it wasn't bad, though i got 50/80 but now i know how silly i was to make mistakes.

i was literary not surprised to see the exam reason being i did sample paper CI and Spin up and NCess is must have.

i would say its quite similar. well rest will find out this time.

but u wont feel like it out of box and new.

those who pass will be able to answer much good way.

Don't get panic. Believe me, you still have enough time, and what you need now is concentration, write not just read.

I just sent an email to a co-worker to return the two books I borrowed before the April exam, and it was 29 days before the exam. This site provides all information you may need, but it will be your job to dig out anything that can lead to a green "PASS". I took notes on any information I feel the need to emphasize in my memory, and added more to them when I understood it better after working on a problem or maybe more. It is always about study and make conclusions and refresh.

It doesn't help just count hours spent. You need quality hours.


I cant believe that only less than 2 months are left before the exam. Now I am getting scared, as I still need to read a lot. I have been doing sample exams lately and for some reason, I cannot get more than 65. Either it is silly mistakes are wrong bush buttons on the calculator. Can someone tell me how many questions on the main exam will be similar or exactly the same to one on NCEES sample exam?

Thank you,

Oh yes, and arrive early to the test center, bring eye drops if you have dry eye (they will inspect the bottle!), an extra contact lens if you use them, take a walk during the break, meditate for 10 minutes after the walk before going back into the afternoon session. Bring a plain, protein-rich lunch and hydrate whenever possible. Limit the coffee to avoid jittery fidgeting. Get comfortable in the seat. Stretch out your upper back, arms and shoulders every hour or so. Good luck !
I passed in ye olden days where you could lug a literal suitcase of books into a testing room. That being said, the only thing that helped me pass was problems, problems, problems. Just find and work as many problems as you can, over and over. While many things have changed between the paper tests and CBT, I think preparing by doing as many problems as you can is still applicable advice!
I passed in ye olden days where you could lug a literal suitcase of books into a testing room. That being said, the only thing that helped me pass was problems, problems, problems. Just find and work as many problems as you can, over and over. While many things have changed between the paper tests and CBT, I think preparing by doing as many problems as you can is still applicable advice!
Same. I took both the paper and CBT. I passed by keep working as many problems over and over. I took practice exams, but it was mainly working a ton of practice problems that got me over the hump. The following quote seems applicable: "Don't do it until you get it right, do it until you can't get it wrong!"
Oh yes, and arrive early to the test center, bring eye drops if you have dry eye (they will inspect the bottle!), an extra contact lens if you use them, take a walk during the break, meditate for 10 minutes after the walk before going back into the afternoon session. Bring a plain, protein-rich lunch and hydrate whenever possible. Limit the coffee to avoid jittery fidgeting. Get comfortable in the seat. Stretch out your upper back, arms and shoulders every hour or so. Good luck !

Oh yes, and arrive early to the test center, bring eye drops if you have dry eye (they will inspect the bottle!), an extra contact lens if you use them, take a walk during the break, meditate for 10 minutes after the walk before going back into the afternoon session. Bring a plain, protein-rich lunch and hydrate whenever possible. Limit the coffee to avoid jittery fidgeting. Get comfortable in the seat. Stretch out your upper back, arms and shoulders every hour or so. Good luck !
Yes and there's this:
TI 36x Pro
Used table function to approximate, used exponential regression, reviewed previous calcs for accuracy.
Set up problems with fractions to see the inch-ft-yard conversions in-place.
Solver works great. Don't handicap yourself with a cheap calc.
Exam: Structural, Passed in Dec. 2023

Educational Background: 2010-2016 Community college; 2016-2021: University of Texas at San Antonio
Worked full time during my entire time in college. Going to school part time and failing a few classes along the way is what took me so long to complete my education. Oh, my twins were born in 2013, so took a semester off as well.

Passed the FE in Dec. 2020

How long did you study: I studied for about 3.5 months starting in September. But I had been out of a classroom in so long, I eased my way in. I had watched some motivational video for work earlier that year, and they talked about how to form good habits. It starts by gradually increasing the amount of time you do something, but you do it everyday. So when I first started "studying" the first month was literally me cracking open a study guide, and reading half a page of the introduction the first day to spending 45-60 min. studying. It was after that first month that I started to work problems. Again, it started with just one problem a day, and culminated to me spending 6-8 hours Saturday and Sunday studying before the exam. My exam was on a Monday. So that really helped as well.

Did you take a prep course: Nope. Couldn't afford it. My boss did give me his old TestMasters notes/problems.

State: Texas

Materials: My calculator. You can't take anything else, exam related.

General Advice: If you've been out of a classroom for a long time, I highly recommend easing into it as I described above. Otherwise, it can feel daunting and intimidating. Also, I only used the available NCEES reference sheet and code books that I had available to me as study/reference material when doing problems. Only when I was stuck, then I would use other material to get the answer. But I tried as best as I could to only use what material I'll have available during the exam.