I am also going through this. It’s been a while since we passed last exam. Hopefully the wait will over soon. Please let us know if you have an update. I will call tomorrow.
I am sorry
I am sorry to hear the news. I studied Hiner. Watched videos and solved practice problems and I was reading important topics from ASCE and IBC manuals and marked those. I took Hiners 3practice exams few times. Good luck.
It was a long journey especially last 19days of wait. Done with seismic which was my last exam. Hopefully I will receive my license by the end of next week. Good luck for Survey.
But tomorrow Monday is a holiday. As they did not publish on Saturday and I know they rarely publish results on Monday. Are you sure? Please do not take it in another way. I am really tired of waiting.
I agree. It’s very frustrating. I do have license from another state. I just work in roadway design. No bridge design. Not sure why I still need to take this exam. They took over six months to review my application. It’s been more than a year since I struggling in this process. I passed survey...
I called board, noone picked up and there was a automated voice notification. It says result will publish on 15th. Not sure I heard correctly or not. I will call again today to make sure.