way too quiet in here

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gray haired dude
Jun 11, 2006
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Front Range
lots of stuff out on you tube, not much on the mainstream media. A local talk show has been hitting on this quite a bit, and there are lawsuits to block the casting of the electoral votes in several states.

personally, I think this would tear the country apart, but it needs to be answered. esp. before inaugeration.

born in kenya

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I heard Dick Cheney died of a heart attack on September 11, 2001, and was replaced by a cyborg.

so just for discussion sake, say he was not born in this country, would Jo Biden be president or would they have to do the whole thing over again?


I think they just go ahead and give his nominee for Secretary of State the nod. ;)

I heard Dick Cheney died of a heart attack on September 11, 2001, and was replaced by a cyborg.
What kind of home defense weapon do you suuggest if Dick Cheney's Successor Cyborg breaks into the house?

so just for discussion sake, say he was not born in this country, would Jo Biden be president or would they have to do the whole thing over again?
I was wondering the same thing.

Now that the election is over, does the Dems get to appoint a new person to be President? or does McCain get it out of default?

Great questions, time to go Google.

After a quick search of the Secretary of State website, I find that it doesn't matter if he was born in Kenya or Hawaii, he is a citizen: (assuming his mother was a U.S. citizen)

Birth Abroad Out-of-Wedlock to a U.S. Citizen Mother: A child born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 301(g) INA, as made applicable by Section 309© INA if the mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of the child's birth, and if the mother had previously been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year.

Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent in Wedlock: A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) INA provided the citizen parent was physically present in the U.S. for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen are required for physical presence in the U.S. to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.
^ since he comes in the '52 to '86 category, he will have needed to live here for 5 years after the age of fourteen. He was in Indonesia as a smaller child (we all know, enrolled as a Muslim) but I would assume he was here from 14 to 19. If this one was the case.
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Over the course of two years, and despite the amount of money available to both the Hilary Clinton and John McCain campaigns, you don't think that if this rumor had even a shred of truth to it we would have heard about it from the mainstream media? Something like this would have been a political silver, gold, platinum, and diamond mine rolled into one for a competing candidate.

After a quick search of the Secretary of State website, I find that it doesn't matter if he was born in Kenya or Hawaii, he is a citizen: (assuming his mother was a U.S. citizen)
^ since he comes in the '52 to '86 category, he will have needed to live here for 5 years after the age of fourteen. He was in Indonesia as a smaller child (we all know, enrolled as a Muslim) but I would assume he was here from 14 to 19. If this one was the case.
It doesn't matter if he is a citizen, it matters whether or not he was born in the USA . For instance, Ah-nold is an American citizen, but he is ineligible to run for president because he wasn't born here. It's in the Constitution.

The members of this board never cease to amaze me with their abilities, knowledge, and talent. I think that with the amount of knowledge on this board we could easily do something much more sinister and lucrative than a 10K post contest. Any thoughts?

I think I read somewhere that this rumor was discreditied and that a lawsuit was thrown out. Maybe it was on Snopes. I alsp heard or read somewehre that there is really no method for dealing with it even if he isn't a citizen,but I'm not sure. I can pretty much guarantee he'll be taking office on schedule.

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It doesn't matter if he is a citizen, it matters whether or not he was born in the USA . For instance, Ah-nold is an American citizen, but he is ineligible to run for president because he wasn't born here. It's in the Constitution.
You don't have to be born in the USA to be a natural born citizen. You can be born to a US citizen outside the boundaries of the US and still be a "natural-born US citizen". You just can't be a naturalized US citizen, like Ah-nold (or me), and become president.

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You don't have to be born in the USA to be a natural born citizen. You can be born to a US citizen outside the boundaries of the US and still be a "natural-born US citizen". You just can't be a naturalized US citizen, like Ah-nold (or me), and become president.
Right you are.

John McCain, who ran for the Republican party nomination in 2000 and was the Republican nominee in 2008, was born outside of the Panama Canal Zone in Colon, Panama, to U.S. parents. In April 2008 the US Senate approved a resolution affirming McCain's status as a natural born citizen. And in September of that year a Federal District judge said obiter that it was "highly probable" that McCain was a natural-born citizen of the United States owing to the citizenship legislation existing at the time.
The problem with Obama is that his father is a Kenyan.

The problem with Obama is that his father is a Kenyan.
But his mother is a US citizen

I'm pretty certain that somebody would have looked into this by now if it were really an issue. It's has been common knowledge that his father was Kenyan, so I'd imagine that someone along the way would have said "Hey, let's double check this guy can run for president before we let him".

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I think I read somewhere that this rumor was discreditied and that a lawsuit was thrown out. Maybe it was on Snopes. I alsp heard or read somewehre that there is really no method for dealing with it even if he isn't a citizen,but I'm not sure. I can pretty much guarantee he'll be taking office on schedule.
The rumor was not discredited. The lawsuit was thrown out on a technicality. If Obama wanted to shut it up, he would have showed up in court with a birth certificate showing he was born in the USA . Since he couldn't do that, because Hawaii wasn't a state yet, he will be our illegal President.

you know if that had happened to a republican it would already be main stream news by now, reminds me of the whole Bush / Gore debacle..

The rumor was not discredited. The lawsuit was thrown out on a technicality. If Obama wanted to shut it up, he would have showed up in court with a birth certificate showing he was born in the USA . Since he couldn't do that, because Hawaii wasn't a state yet, he will be our illegal President.
I don't know what the basis of the rumor is, but I don't see how it can be because Hawaii wasn't a state yet. Hawaii became a state in 1959 and Obama was born in 1961.

Are they saying he was born somewhere else or that he is older than he says he is?

I thought he did produce a birth certificate but the claim is that it is forged.

Nobody is sadder that Obama won than me, but I don't see this going anywhere, and taking everything to a court when you can't win is typically something Democrats do. Even if we win it isn't going to make a Republican or libertarian president.

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