Advice on these references

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Feb 27, 2007
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Memphis, TN
Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering by Corbitt. Anyone use this book for PE exam? If so, is it worthwhile. I am trying to gather references quickly so I will have them for study. But there are so many out there. I don't want to waste money on a book that is not needed, and money is tight!!

I am not familiar with that particular book. If you're interested in a list of references I used, I can post them sometime this weekend. They're all on a bookcase at home so I don't recall all of them offhand.

I am not familiar with that particular book. If you're interested in a list of references I used, I can post them sometime this weekend. They're all on a bookcase at home so I don't recall all of them offhand.
I'd appreciate that when you get time. Thanks.

MSU --

I took the Civil with Env Depth a few times before switching to Civil with WR Depth, but I obviously needed Env-type reference materials. The Env reference books I used are as follows:


1. Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis, Bedient and Huber, 2nd Edition (ISBN 0201517116)

2. Hydrology & Hydraulic Systems, Ram S. Gupta (ISBN 0881338656)

Groundwater Hydrology/Wells & Fields

1. Applied Hydrogeology, 4th Ed, C.W. Fetter (ISBN 0130882399) -- this is one of the most well written books in terms of content, clairity, and balance between theory and application I have seen.

2. GroundWater Contamination: Transport and Remediation, Bedient, Rifai, and Newell (ISBN 0133625923) -- this book is more for transport than groundwater mechanics and wells, but there are a few potential gems. Also, I would go for the most current edition (2004) -- corrected errors, added examples, added material.


1. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, Reuse, 3rd Edition, Metcalf & Eddy (ISBN 0070416907)

2. Water Supply and Pollution Control, 5th Edition, Viessman & Hammer (ISBN 0065000587)

3. Water Quality and Treatment, 4th Edition, American Water Works Association (ISBN 0070015406)

4. Water Chemistry, Snoeyink & Jenkins, (ISBN 0471051969)

5. Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations, C.C. Lee and Shar Dun Lin (ISBN 0070381836) NOTE: I just saw where the 2nd Edition (April 2007) is coming out.

Best of luck in your preparations.


MSU, here's what I used:

Unit Operations, Reynolds and Richards

Envl Biotechnology, Rittman and McCarty

Air Quality, Godish

Air Pollution Control, Mycock (yeah that's his name!) et al.

Haz Waste Mgmt, LaGrega et al.

Intro to Envl Eng, Masters

Hydraulics and Hyrology, Gupta

Applied Geohydrology, Fetter

Envl Law Handbook

Water Chemistry, Snoeyink

Those were the big ones, I pretty much knew them inside and out come test day.

A lot of the info on OSHA laws and regs I downloaded from the respective federal government websites.

The internet can be your best friend when trying to dig up reference information, but I'd just warn you to take a hard look at the legitimacy/reliability of the website. Federal government, State agency - OK; wikipedia, some dude's personal page - not so much.

I would not recommend Corbitt. It's old (unless there's a new version, but I don't think there is) and is therefore useless after the exam. I have a copy, but I didn't use it on the exam or during studying. Environmental Engineering by Salvato is much more useful, even though it's much more expensive. Worth your while for the test and the office.

I posted elsewhere in here with my reference recommendations.

Good luck!

MSU --
I took the Civil with Env Depth a few times before switching to Civil with WR Depth, but I obviously needed Env-type reference materials. The Env reference books I used are as follows:


1. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, Reuse, 3rd Edition, Metcalf & Eddy (ISBN 0070416907)

2. Water Supply and Pollution Control, 5th Edition, Viessman & Hammer (ISBN 0065000587)

3. Water Quality and Treatment, 4th Edition, American Water Works Association (ISBN 0070015406)

4. Water Chemistry, Snoeyink & Jenkins, (ISBN 0471051969)

5. Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations, C.C. Lee and Shar Dun Lin (ISBN 0070381836) NOTE: I just saw where the 2nd Edition (April 2007) is coming out.

Best of luck in your preparations.


Do you think the book above in bold is a good reference? I am heading down to the library tomorrow to pick it up.



I don't know. I didn't have it, and I passed, but maybe it would be worth having in your book bag if there's room for it, and if you have the time now to get familiar with it.

I found the text useful for WQ-types of problems. It was also useful because I was familiar with this text from having used it for a college design class. Keep in mind the book is written from the perspective of treating POTABLE drinking water rather than wastewater, so in a big picture sense it will most likely have limited usefulness.

My recommendation is to check the book at from the library and see if YOU get anything from it. See how it matches up with your other references - maybe you might only photocopy some material rather than lug the whole text.



Thanks for the replies.

I am mostly looking for a book to supplement the Water Treatment chapters in the CERM as I think they may be lacking a bit...

For wastewater I have already snagged myself Metcalf and Eddy.



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