Take a penny leave a penny

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Dec 8, 2018
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The rules are pretty simple. You must:

1) Perform an action on the pile, then

2) List the contents of the pile afterwards.

I will start.

I leave a penny in the pile.

There is now 1 penny in the pile.

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If I understand this correctly...

I move the penny to the railroad tracks.

There is now 1 flat penny in the pile with some rail ballast (rocks).

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I check my pockets and find a ball-point pen that's out of ink. I throw the pen into the pile.

There is now an empty pen in the pile.

I was crossing the street and someone gave me a $5.00 because they thought I was homeless.

There is now -36 pennies and an empty pen after converting the $5 bill into 500 pennies.

(Note:  I stopped by the local Dollar General after doing yardwork recently.  The Manager must have assumed I was homeless because he came to talk to me and gave me an application and said they have a program to help people get on their feet.  I told him I appreciate the offer, but I am good at the present time.)

I pour some laundry detergent and water on top of the pile.

There are now 64 pennies, an empty pen, and wet/soapy clothes in the pile.

I take the empty pen in hopes that I can refill it and use it to write letters to all of you, telling you to clean up your own messes.

There are now 64 pennies and wet/soapy clothes in the pile.

I tripped over the pile

There are now 64 pennies, clean clothes, and some splattered blood on the pile


I take my clean clothes and add a pile of paper to the pile (so I can get letters from megaman)

There are now  64 pennies, paper pile, and some splattered blood on the pile 

Getting tired of cleaning up after everybody, I get the idea to summon @JHW 3d‘s black hole, in hopes it will suck up the mess. To my dismay (but not my surprise), it instead regurgitates the pile it previously sucked up.

there are now 64 pennies, a pile of paper, some splattered blood, and a pile containing 1 regular penny, one flat penny, and some rocks, in the pile.

I add a replacement pen-ink cartridge to the pile

there are now 64 pennies, a pile of paper, some splattered blood, and a pile containing 1 regular penny, one flat penny, and some rocks, ink cartridge, in the pile.

I transfer the pile into a crucible, along with a metric ton of steel scrap, and heat it to 1600 degrees. This incinerates the paper, blood,  and ink cartridge, and fuses all the metallic items into one blob. I pour the molten metal into a sand cast to create a large-than-life bust of Bill Cosby, let it cool, then eject it onto a new pile.

There is now a one ton metallic bust of Bill Cosby in the pile.
