Youth Coaching (sports)

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well we lost a nail bighter 6-5 last night, overtime game... I was literally swetting bulletts..
We were up one run most of the game. I think this game is on me, I let the pitcher go into an inning and didnt take her out soon enough, some times they are good and warmed up by the 3rd inning and sometimes they are not......

I was very glad to see them not make dumb errors and hit the ball though...
Sounds like a great showing.

yes this was the #2 team, the 1 & 2 teams were both 11-2, so I think they were #2 via a coin toss or something...

we are still alive in the tournament, we play Saturday and if they play like they did last night I think we have a better than average shot...

but whats irritating about rec ball is the game was 6:00. I told parents to be there NLT 5:15 (which I know is hard) but myself and an assistant coach were there @ 4:45 and the other team, the entire team was already there warming up. I had 4 girls there @ 5:45, and the rest showed up just in time for us not to have to forfit, so no batting practice or warm ups for the majority of the players. it gets very very annoying..parents have been sent a semi rude email about it, but I didnt show my frustration over it to the girls.

my sons play at an overly competitive baseball park and kids have been told basically if you cant get there in time to warm up then dont show up...

again I cant tell if its girls vs boys mentality or what....

this has defin. been a learning experience!

at that age it's not the kid's fault if they aren't there on time, it's whomever is bringing them. Personally, I always had a hard time leaving work early for these things. Luckily my wife was a stay-at-home mom and she'd get them there on time.

I appreciate that the coaches volunteer their time and are at the field but it's tough to tell your boss "I gotta go get my 10 yo to his baseball game" when something urgent has come up.

I should have stated that at my sons park I dont agree with their tactics, their park is extremely overcompetitive..

yes this was the #2 team, the 1 & 2 teams were both 11-2, so I think they were #2 via a coin toss or something...
we are still alive in the tournament, we play Saturday and if they play like they did last night I think we have a better than average shot...

but whats irritating about rec ball is the game was 6:00. I told parents to be there NLT 5:15 (which I know is hard) but myself and an assistant coach were there @ 4:45 and the other team, the entire team was already there warming up. I had 4 girls there @ 5:45, and the rest showed up just in time for us not to have to forfit, so no batting practice or warm ups for the majority of the players. it gets very very annoying..parents have been sent a semi rude email about it, but I didnt show my frustration over it to the girls.

my sons play at an overly competitive baseball park and kids have been told basically if you cant get there in time to warm up then dont show up...

again I cant tell if its girls vs boys mentality or what....

this has defin. been a learning experience!
I would go with something like, "I understand some parents can't get your kids here in time for batting practice. And I don't want to hear you b!tching when they lose."

Another option is to emphasize to parents that with some cooperation some of the the stay at home moms might be able to pick-up some of the other kids to get them there earlier.

My son's 0-10 6U baseball team won their first post-season tournament game tonight. Talk about peaking at the right time!

^^^ SWEET !

I am coaching the T-ball team in a local tournament this weekend, then the SEASON IS OVER !!!!!!!!

I had the last game for my Challenger team last weekend. :D

Both teams were fun, but I'm ready for the break. Then, I am coaching a flag football team this fall for 5-7 year olds.

Well I never updated after the end of the season.

All in all I was very pleased with the progress of the girls, but here is a summary of our last couple of games and the rec tournament..

Our rec tournament, like most, is double elimination. Our first game was on a Saturday morning, we were ranked towards the middle so we were set to play a team we had beaten before and not the 1st ranked team, which I was happy about.. until… only 7 girls showed up for the tournament, and if you don’t have 8 you have to forfeit.. Never got any emails or calls from anyone saying they wouldn’t be there.. It was very disappointing to have to lose that way, worse for the girls that did show up.. 2 of the 4 were the girls who were also signed up for competitive gymnastics, whose parents told me that they had to miss the game (tournament!) due to the end of season gymnastics PARTY (not a meet, or practice, but just a party)…. Geesh I was pissed off, I understand people like to sign there kid up for many activities, but sometimes it just slays me.. If it wasn’t the tournament games I would understand, but I seriously hope these girls or there parents can choose a sport to commit toooooo

So our 2nd game, we played the originally ranked #1 team that had got beaten in their first game, we went into 2 extra innings, the girls played awesome, but we came up towards the bottom of our line up in the 2nd extra inning and just fell short.. But they played so well I was happy to see. That team went on to win it all (through the losers bracket) so at least there was a little something to hang your hat on…

Another rec coach has approached me about getting out of rec ball and starting a travel team in the Fall. I would love nothing more than to get out of rec ball where you don’t have to forfeit a tournament due to attendance.. but my problem is my 2 boys also play baseball, my wife works weekends, and I think it will be almost impossible for them all three to be able to play if I do a travel team for my daughter.

I am really “torn” because my daughter has really progressed with her pitching, for a just turned 10 year old she is throwing about 45 miles / hour, and her new pitching coach is a very polite “ball buster” and makes her work, she has made outstanding progress in just a few weeks…

We actually played some “pick up games” with a travel team that needed a pitcher and I was surprised she did fairly well for coming from rec ball to a travel team that had been playing at a higher level for a whole year.

So I just cant decide what to do. My 8 year old told me that he liked playing baseball as long as I was at the games. I missed about half of his games due to coaching rec softball this year, and I imagine I would miss all of them or most all of them if we do travel ball. I just cant decide what to do, its hectic having 6 games a week with 3 playing rec ball, but that’s at two parks that are 2 miles apart. It also helpful we know a lot of people at both parks so If I have to shuffle between parks I know I have people that can help me if I need to leave a kid at a field…..

Perplexed I am….
