Whale Wars

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We've watched this show a couple of times. The first time I saw it I was like what the ****?!? and just sat there with my mouth gaping open.

I like their ideals I just don't agree with their methods. They basically are pirates/terrorists in their own right.

I saw the one where two guys board the Japanese vessel. Those are a couple of lunatics there, I'm surprised they weren't shot. That captain of theirs has basically brainwashed them.

I haven't seen it. I would like to, though.

The Greenpeace "Rainbow Warrior" visited Saipan about 9 years ago, to organize some big protest against the US Military because of a bunch of PCB contamination that they were reluctant to clean up here. I talked to a few of the guys at a bar one night and almost got into a fight with them (their aggression, not mine). I merely suggested that they were publicity hounds and were overlooking far more serious environmental problems associated with the corruption of our local government.

Don't mess with Greenpeace. They're right, and everybody else is wrong.

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Even Greenpeace thinks the ying-yangs on Whale Wars are to extreme.

That show is like a train wreck in slow motion, I can’t turn away. In the next episode, they move from quasi-piracy to full blown piracy when the contemplate boarding a Japanese ship that is following them, and disable the radar and communications. They suspect the ship is following them to relay the Sea Shepard’s coordinates to the Japanese whaling ships.

If I were on one of the ships being boarded by these yahoos, I'd be tempted to shoot them on sight in self defense. They are tried to disrupt radio and radar, endangering the crew, even if they are a bunch of dirty whalers.

suprised they didnt just throw them overboard, they would freeze to death in less than 30 minutes even if they had on a dry suit. would be hard to prove.

Where can one find a storm water modling job? How does one wear the storm water to model?
Inflatable pool as a catchbasin, submersible pump attached to a shower head. Stand in pool when it rains, voila! You are now modeling storm water!

I love the show. Yeah, that captain needs be willing to jump on the Japanese boat himself, instead of guilty-ing his crew. I love the way they named the boat Steve Irwin.

so when does this show come on? I got suckered in over the holidays and now I need my fix...

It's on ! Can't wait to see Potts and Giles returned back to the Sea Shepard.

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okay been watching some more of this, its like a train wreck I guess. Am I the only one watching hoping that one of these hippy do gooders gets hurt or drowns doing this?

I like how they have no problem throwing stuff at the japanese ships, but then they all freak out when one of their crew members get a boo-boo. apparantly they can dish it out but not take it...

Am I the only one watching hoping that one of these hippy do gooders gets hurt or drowns doing this?
No you're not the only one. I was really hoping the boat would sink last season. The only people that seemed to have any sense on the first season were labeled as not being committed to the cause and booted from the crew. What a bunch of wackos!

I don't know why I watched it. I feel better that I watched it without commercial interruption via comcast's "on demand". That way I'm not helping the show out by watching commercials right?

Did you guys see the retard helmets they wear when they try to board the japanese ships?

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