Was your PE score listed on your letter?

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What did you score on your PE exam?

  • 95-100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 90-94

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 85-89

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80-84

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75-79

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70-74

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 65-69

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-64

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 55-59

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-54

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40-49

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30-39

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0-29

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not reported

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Edit: oops, typo in the poll! "75-89" should be "75-79" :duhh:

I got my test results in the mail today, and was pleasantly surprised to see my scaled score was listed (VA)- I honestly had only expected to see a pass/fail! I was curious how my score compared to other test takers. Does NCEES have a list somewhere as to what scores compare to what percentiles?

I'll not list my score out; I don't intend for this to turn into a dick-waving contest, I'm just genuinely curious!

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I don't know which state you are from, but most states have not required or requested the scores (would have liked to have seen mine...might have been a dick waving winner...at least I hope).


would have liked to have seen mine...might have been a dick waving winner...at least I hope

Now ya done it ... you are hereby banned from PCengineerboards.com :banhim: :thatsgay:



TX reports scores, online and in the letter. I haven't gotten the state's letter yet, but I did get a letter from the TX Society of Professional Engineers addressed to "Firstname Lastname PE".

Let us know "Firstname Lastname PE" whether they addressed that thing correctly.

Many men stumble upon the truth. Most quickly get up and act like nothing ever happened.

You guys that get the score are making me sick :jk: . Well, I do wish I knew though (dick wagging contests and such).

Wish I knew. Boss/owner/friend says he got like a 90%. Wanted to do a whole lot better and show him (oops...that pride thing).


I think there are only a handful of states who still have laws on their books that scores must be reported. That's why some do and some don't. I would think they will be pressured by other states to change their laws, but you know how that goes.

I actually like the PASS/FAIL thing for the exact reason tmckeon_PE listed above. To avoid the office rivalry of "what did you score", in a few years, that should be eliminated.

Of course, I've always taken great pride in my 70 on the FE

But that board said that no one would get their feelings hurt.
:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
whoops :eek:

By that logic, I think that means I am banned now too :banhim: :ZZZ:


I actually like the PASS/FAIL thing for the exact reason tmckeon_PE listed above.? To avoid the office rivalry of "what did you score", in a few years, that should be eliminated.
Of course, I've always taken great pride in my 70 on the FE
Everyone I've talked to had given me stories about how they thought they failed it but then got the score and found out they passed by with a 70 or a 72- I was hoping I could walk away wth an awesome score I could brag about. Without knowing how good my score is, though, I have no idea if it's even worth bragging about, lol...


Honestly, I think my just passing the test has given my boss and coworkers a lot more respect for me- I'm working in a new field for me (only been doing power 1 year) and find myself floundering a bit, and not quite exuding the professional confidence I had when I left my last job of 8 years. Having that PE says "Hey, this guy isn't just some hack, he's pretty knowledable!" regardless of whether I got a 70 or an 89.

It's good we don't get *too* high, though having a 99 or 100 would probably say "Hi, guys, I'm either a cheat or a liar! Probably both!"

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Hey tmc...i was able to read some of your posts..when you took the exam. you said that you had at least the six minute solutions with you along with the ncees solutions. In other words you had some solution books with you (I am glad that you were allowed to have them). Either I may have misinterpreted the rules or you have cheated.

So, to act like a genius may not be fair even if , let's say you scored 100/100. What about taking different depth exams? How would you be able to compare that?

No offence, just a thought.

Mike, I think some states allow you to take those books. Our NV board does NOT allow us to do so.

To be honest, didn't even use them much at all in October. Thought I would, but things (questions) didn't work that way. Mostly used the CERM and my own references that I had made for myself.

You are allowed to take in any sheets that are not loose bound. I made my own reference and equations and charts as well as using some available by others (good engineering, I would think). Those came in a lot more helpful.

No, I didn't cheat.

:true: :+1:
