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VERMONT is also in....i got my letter tonight, PASSED! First try, thank god! I don't know what was worse the studying, test taking, or the wait!

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VTEnviro said:
Dude! You're from VT?!?!?

Im stoked, got home at 7:30, checked my mail, opened my letter, got the good news! Now im heading down to Church Street for a few adult beverages!!

Kuddos on the site, it kept me well informed on during the post test wait. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL STILL AWAITING RESULTS!

Congrats Flattyboo! Wow - is VT usually this early?

That does stink. I hope she/he isn't too bummed and will be able to try again in Oct.

:mail-296: Congrates.....

I just got an email from a friend who also got his VT results yesterday. It's not fair that you guys did not have to wait as long as the rest of us from days gone by.... B)

Congrats Flattyboo!! What exam did you take out of curiousity?
I am :multiplespotting: in Minnesota

Thanks guys! I went alittle overboard on the celebrating last night, and had a long day of sittin at the cad box today but it was well worth it! I ended up taking the Civil PE with a focus on Water Resources in the afternoon ... Yea Vermont was super early, one of the first this year! I mean there were only like 40 of us taking it in the entire state so really how long can it take?

VTE - bummer about your friend, hopefully he/she got a good idea what the exam was like and will be ready to kick some butt come october.

To those still waiting, BEST OF LUCK!
