~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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All I know is that when the weather predicted snow I decided to leave the office before it started. It is a decision I am very very happy I made.
this is my SOP. Snow/ice predicted I leave an hr or so before it is supposed to start...even if it never materializes or ended up not being as bad as predicted
Yea, I got an awful lot of crap when I left (I may have been the first to do so). Lots of people told me it wouldn't be that bad and that they were just going to let the initial hysteria pass and then drive home in the evening. I saw a lot of emails last night from these same people whining about 9 hour commutes or having to abandon vehicles and walk! SUCKAS!!!

I never knew they made composite/synthetic chains. Pretty slick idea.

I wonder if these are available in the US?


too funny chicago parents are complaining about the 4 snow day they have had to deal with...we have had 8 so they need to quit their bitching.

We got a phone message and note cancelling all the remainder early dismissal/ late starts for the rest of the year to make up some the time.

What kind of planned early dismissals/late starts does a school have?

instead of taking full day teacher institute days they broke that time into 2hr late starts or early dismissals for the teachers to have meetings.

instead of taking full day teacher institute days they broke that time into 2hr late starts or early dismissals for the teachers to have meetings.
Will the kids have to make that time up at the end of the year?

instead of taking full day teacher institute days they broke that time into 2hr late starts or early dismissals for the teachers to have meetings.
Will the kids have to make that time up at the end of the year?
they have 5 built into the schedule they are trying to make up fpr the 3 extra. the cancelations free up about 8 hrs so that is maybe a day and a half They will have to try to get permission from the state for "act of God" exemption or cancel other days off to make up the rest and hope we don't need any more the rest of the winter.

^ I remember "snow days" being "fun" when I was in school. But summer days are better!!

they are fun when they are for snow and can play outside. Most of ours were for -20 and lower windchill temps so not so fun to play

trucks really should be required to either use chains or pull over during inclement weather....from talking to some of my peeps in Atlanta they were causing most of the major gridlock keeping people from moving forward...


jack knifed trucks are no fun I have had to drive through about a 1/4 miles of trucks in various stages of blocking the road...it was like a vehicle slalom driving weaving back a forth past the trucks


Looks like Kowalski made it.

Y'all see Al Roker's rant about the idiot mayor of da ATL?

trucks really should be required to either use chains or pull over during inclement weather....from talking to some of my peeps in Atlanta they were causing most of the major gridlock keeping people from moving forward...
Bah, make them come to AK and drive the haul road for a season, they'll learn how to drive their rigs real fast. If not, they forego getting a license.

It's raining in Boulder which is bad because these motherfuckers don't know how to drive in rain don't ask me why not
