~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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It's muuuuuch cooler and drier than it was here last week. Mid 80s described the temperature and the relative humidity. When we move next year, I won't complain if its somewhere with low humidity.

We're in the midst of a major drought. All of our grass is brown and crunchy, and there are brush fires around the island almost every day. The utility has finally started conservation measures - we're all groundwater here - and the water at our house is coming a trickle now. Showers are virtually impossible - have to trickle into a bucket and then use a rag and cup to shower.
1 more month until the rainy season starts, but the NWS says that may be delayed another month due to the post-El Nino conditions that are setting in.
Sounds like an excuse for the wife to provide you with a sponge-bath. :dancingnaughty:
If this morning was any indication..... the water pressure was so low it wouldn't come out of the shower at height. I have to crouch in the tub and use the handset to trickle the water over me for a shower. Took freaking forever.....

And to add insult to injury, the utility came by and disconnected the streetlight outside our house to, presumably, save money. Now our street is very dark. Great for stargazing, though.

Going to be a hot one today. Had just enough rain to not cool things off yesterday, and it's already like a sauna. Was 72° at 6:00 am here today...

It is June, right? 32 degrees and rainy/snow mix at the top of my charity bike ride in Denver on Saturday. This weather teh sux.

94 here right now and a sauna out there. Feels much worse than 94. Doing my best to stay indoors as much as possible today!

we have had a lot of big storms lately, more than usual. thunder that shakes the house. had really big thunder this morning, woke me up from a dead sleep. thought it was earthquake at first.

We had some thunder this morning, too, and at least an inch of rain over the past three days. Our drought appears to be ending!

Hot as a mofo here, and will continue to be hot as a mofo as far as they forecasted.

X2. Cracked 100 yesterday and humid. I looked like an heirloom tomato when I got back in the office.

Nothing below 90 degrees air temp, and 100 degrees heat index, this week. I have my first golf tournament of the year this weekend...that's going to be miserable.

Day number three of 100 degrees! This is odd for PA, but I am not complaining (until I get my electric bill).

Hot and sunny all long weekend down on Cape Cod. The water was refreshing.

Back in town and thank goodness the AC is working in the office. It's supposed ot hot and humid through to the weekend.

Hmmm..AC in the office seems a might iffy today. It'll probably break again since we're in for another week or two near 100.

Heat index is 105 per the weather channel right now. This shouldn't happen in Massachusetts! I went out at lunch time and my steering wheel was too hot to hold!

I only like global warming in February.
