~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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It's 71 and sunny here ... but I heard there were storm clouds and rain on the horizon. :(


Sunday it was 85. It snowed (I never saw it but other people did) on Monday and was 75 on Tuesday and yesterday. Tomorrow it's supposed to warm up again. I don't understand this state.

But oh well. Keep in mind that it's not fun driving home with a bunch of nitwits that don't understand ice that are all let off of work at the same time. I'm thinking it's going to be a cantina night tonight!

Edit: they just played "Let It Snow" on the radio.

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Weather here has been interested the last few days. First, our local volcano "Anatahan", about 80 miles north, started spewing ash again. Yesterday, the ash plume drifted within a few miles of our west coast. That kind of stuff always excites me. I saw the USGS volcanologist guys from Hawaii last night at the Thursday night street market, but I was too embarassed to just walk up to them and ask them their oinion of whether it's going to blow big.

Then today, we have major rain, which is unusual because this is the dry season here, and it's been raining a lot recently.

Snow, snow, snow. The weather forcasted that it would start snowing last night and be finished by this afternoon. Instead it just started about an hour ago and is supposed to snow through tomorrow. Now they're saying its gonig to be more then they originally thought (~6 inches, which is a major blizzard here).

It is rain, rain, and then more rain here. We are literally flooding.

When I drove to work this morning, any tree with 'dead growth' had shed that and then some. We have two large trees (~40' height) down around my building at work. Saturated ground conditions mixed with strong downdrafts and potential for tornadic activity and swelling rivers have made for an interesting lead-in for the weekend and the mega-family cookout ....


They're predicting 2-4 inches of rain for beantown starting tonight and going through tomorrow. Family gathering on Sunday so I hope it's done by then.

Every single Friday for the last 2 months it's been really crappy weather. What's the deal??

Raining and upper 50s here in SC. Greta nap weather for the afternoon, but I have stuff to do. I'm sure I can cram a nap in their sometime.

It's supposed to rain here any minute and my head is KILLING me. It is completely ruining my St Pats Day plans and I'm pissed off.

Wish I could be in the neighborhood to make it better squishles! ;)

BTW how's that testmasters course going?

Snow finally returned to Minnesota this morning. We got 2-3 inches of the wet and heavy stuff.

I'm happy. :woot:

^ ugh! When is this snow going to stop??? I just heard we were supposed to get more tomorrow. At least it will cover up all the disgusting mud on top of the current snow.
