The Pet Thread

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So Ursala (greyhound #1) took a big chunk of skin off of her front leg yesterday afternoon, right above the elbow (their skin is paper thin, so its down the muscle). No clue how she did it, other than she was running around outside being a bit rough with her sister.

It can't be stitched, and I know it hurts like hell, because she's limping on it quite a bit. Hoping it starts to heal soon. Need to head to a horse feed/supply store to pick up some topical antibiotics for it. Its tough to keep them from licking it, so she has a sacrificed kid's sock and tape over it right now with some colloidal silver on it.

you can get dog proof bandages at the feed store too... My Ana gets into EVERYTHING so we always have some of that bandage spray (for little stuff) and a full first aid kit for the puppies on hand (inclusive of socks)

Do your greys have lots of energy? A friend of ours had one back home and that was funniest coach potato dog I have ever met (it acted like a purse dog), wouldn't go outside if the grass was wet, but our friends figured that she had "served her time".. and was enjoying retirement...

They have two modes - couch potato mode, which is about 22 hours a day, and spaz mode, which is about the other two. They're getting much more rambunctious now that the weather is cooling down some. They've all got their quirks, and are as funny as can be. Their paws are a primary way of cooling off for them, so at picnics and such, it was not uncommon to look over and see a few of them standing in the water bowls instead of drinking from it. My two LOVE freshly mowed grass for some reason, and will lay down in it and roll around until they come up dyed green. Sometimes they prefer to be alone, other times they will lay on their back and "roach", curl up against you, or lay down with their head on whatever part of your body they can muster (including your face if you're sleeping). Others I know would swear they're lap dogs, including the big boys that are 80+ lbs.

EG: I'll have to look for those. I need to stop by the local place, as I called and they have vetericyn spray, which is what was recommended by our vet friend who dog sits for us while we're away.

missing my dog today. thinking back a year ago today when I had to bring him to have him put down due to a large mass growing in his abdomen. That moment still haunts me.

missing my dog today. thinking back a year ago today when I had to bring him to have him put down due to a large mass growing in his abdomen. That moment still haunts me.
It does suck.

found this pic while cleaning out the camera's memory card.. sort of sums up the phrase "mans best friend".... this was on one of our hikes with the kids this summer..


Thanks guys.

I didn't post it earlier cause I didn't want to bring the mood down.

It was tough. It still is.

Sorry, bad timing on my picture post.

I posted but didn't really read the latest threads sorry about that guys

yes, it sucks royally. My pal is now 11yo and he's got some growths going on. He's still pretty spry but all good things come to an end. I still hurt when I think about putting my last friend down. He was 16 and it was time but it sure wasn't easy.

RG nice photo. My current sheltie just isn't all that affectionate for some reason. He follows me around and sleeps close by but if you go to pet him he jumps up and stands a foot or two away. He's a weird little dog, but he's my buddy. I always tell him that his predecessor was much smarter than he is ('cause its a damn fact) but I'd be lost without him.

It's tough when it's time but you've always got those memories.

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yes, it sucks royally. My pal is now 11yo and he's got some growths going on. He's still pretty spry but all good things come to an end. I still hurt when I think about putting my last friend down. He was 16 and it was time but it sure wasn't easy.

RG nice photo. My current sheltie just isn't all that affectionate for some reason. He follows me around and sleeps close by but if you go to pet him he jumps up and stands a foot or two away. He's a weird little dog, but he's my buddy. I always tell him that his predecessor was much smarter than he is ('cause its a damn fact) but I'd be lost without him.

It's tough when it's time but you've always got those memories.
Well said MA. I have another still here with me. We've have him for 10 yrs. He's a great dog.
Sorry, bad timing on my picture post.

I posted but didn't really read the latest threads sorry about that guys
Na.  It's OK.  I think it helps to see those pics.
Sorry, Matt. It sucks to lose man's best friend.
RG, no need to apologize. Dogs are amazing animals.
Tex, thanks.

We have actually adopted another dog from a rescue last week. The first few days were tough for me. The new dog made me miss my old one. But, like MA said, all good things must come to an end. It's getting easier though. The funny thing is, I miss the things that my old dog did that used to pissed me off the most.

About a week ago, Ursala tore a big chunk of skin off of her leg, just below the elbow. Despite the vetricyn applications and bandaging it as best we could, the GF changed the wrap this morning and it has become infected (no matter how well we wrap it, she manages to find a way to lick it). She has a vet appt at 4:30 today for what I presume will be a dose of antibiotics. I'm hoping they can figure out how to deal with it, since it can't be stitched shut.


Sounds like the cone of shame will be needed.


There are other socks and stuff we can put over it, but it just keeps weeping since its bare muscle there, and that part of the skin is under tension whenver she walks or runs. Hopefully they figure something out though.
