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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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WASHINGTON — Syrian forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assadhave fired Scud missiles at rebel fighters in recent days, Obama administration officials said on Wednesday.

The move represents a significant escalation in the fighting, which has already killed more than 40,000 civilians in a nearly two-year-old conflict that has threatened to destabilize the Middle East, and suggests increased desperation on the part of the Assad government.

How long before the CBW warheads start to fly?

Obama doesn't engage in "war". He engages in Kinetic Military Action. Totally different thing.

Hoping for Russia to step in for Assad and blow away all the foreign rebels and terrorists trying to destabilize yet another Middle East nation. As if the world needs another Libya or Iraq.

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey (AP) - The U.S. will send two batteries of Patriot missiles and 400 troops to Turkey as part of a NATO force meant to protect Turkish territory from potential Syrian missile attack, the Pentagon said Friday.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta signed a deployment order en route to Turkey from Afghanistan calling for 400 U.S. soldiers to operate two batteries of Patriots at undisclosed locations in Turkey, Pentagon press secretary George Little told reporters flying with Panetta.

Germany and the Netherlands have already agreed to provide two batteries of the U.S.-built defense systems and send up to 400 German and 360 Dutch troops to man them, bringing the total number of Patriot batteries slated for Turkey to six. The German Parliament is expected to formally agree to the deployment on Friday. NATO foreign ministers endorsed Turkey's request for the Patriots on Nov. 30.

A number of Syrian shells have landed in Turkish territory since the conflict in the Arab state began in March 2011. Turkey has condemned the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad, supported Syrian rebels and provided shelter to Syrian refugees. Ankara is particularly worried that Assad may get desperate enough to use chemical weapons.

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House on Wednesday and discussed the conflict in Syria, a spokeswoman said.

The meeting was not on Obama's public schedule.

The spokeswoman, Caitlin Hayden, said the president joined a meeting between the Saudi official and Obama's national security adviser, Tom Donilon.

"The president and Prince Saud al-Faisal reaffirmed the strong partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia and discussed developments in the region, including the conflict in Syria," Hayden said in a statement.

I read something this morning that indicated the US was about to send troops to the region, but dismissed it, since it was Saudi based.

Some of my good friends in High school were from syria....guess their family made a good choice coming to america when they did.

I hope we don't get involved in Syria. The last thing that we need is to get involved in more Mid-East conflicts.

having spent some time in the region back in my younger days...the political and religious systems were f'ed up, but when you got out and met the actual normal folks, they were just that, normal folks. Maybe I was naive or I'm just too easy to get along with, but I find that people on a one-on-one basis to be fairly easy to get along with in most's when governments and religious extremists get involved that things goto sh!t...

The Pentagon is sending about 200 soldiers from a U.S. Army headquarters unit to Jordan to assist efforts to contain violence along the Syrian border and plan for any operations needed to ensure the safety of chemical weapons in Syria, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told Congress Wednesday.

The decision to dispatch the 1st Armored Division troops of planners and specialists in intelligence, logistics and operations comes as several lawmakers pressed the Obama administration for even more aggressive steps to end the two-year civil war.

Hagel and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, faced persistent questions from senior members of the Armed Services Committee about efforts to force out Syrian President Bashar Assad. The Pentagon leaders made clear that the situation is extremely complicated and they must be certain of the endgame before any military step to try to end the bloodshed.

I can't vouch for site veracity...

A person is can be intelligent...people are dumb.
fixed it...

(sigh) I can't help but think that the sand people of the middle east aren't the most intelligent. I flipped over to and saw the picture below:


WHY THE FLIP would one think that a full face respirator would work with a wookie on your face? That respirator would only be cosmetic. Doesn't anyone over there think about these things? :screwloose:

A person is can be intelligent...people are dumb.
fixed it...

(sigh) I can't help but think that the sand people of the middle east aren't the most intelligent. I flipped over to and saw the picture below:


WHY THE FLIP would one think that a full face respirator would work with a wookie on your face? That respirator would only be cosmetic. Doesn't anyone over there think about these things? :screwloose:

I don't know, who thinks it will work when it's sitting on your forehead for that matter?
