Stopping Distance...which equation

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Jan 2, 2008
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In CERM 10 there are the following formulas:

Stopping Distance = Sstopping = vtp + sb

Stopping Sight Distance = Sstopping =1.47vtp + sb


A car skidded to a stop while travelling 55mph. The driver took 0.9 seconds to react. What was the total stopping distance travelled? I thought you would use the Stopping Distance formula above but it appears you should use the Stopping Sight Distance formula unless the answer I have been provided with is wrong. Which formula should I be using?


In CERM 10 there are the following formulas:
Stopping Distance = Sstopping = vtp + sb

Stopping Sight Distance = Sstopping =1.47vtp + sb


A car skidded to a stop while travelling 55mph. The driver took 0.9 seconds to react. What was the total stopping distance travelled? I thought you would use the Stopping Distance formula above but it appears you should use the Stopping Sight Distance formula unless the answer I have been provided with is wrong. Which formula should I be using?

you know that 1.47 is just a factor for mph to ft/s right. you know is depend what they give you right.

thank you. I should have realized that but now you can be sure I won't make that mistake on the exam.
