Star Wars! The "only open if youve seen the movie or want spoilers" Thread

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Couldn't the same argument be made that Anakin should have been able to easily defeat Obi-Wan except for his rage? IMO, the series has proven that anger and hatred is how to defeat the dark side. So, if Kylo was pissed after being shot, then he would have not been on his 'A' game.

On another note: I will be going to see it for a second time this weekend since the Mrs. will be visiting family. So maybe I will pick up some things I most likely missed the first go around.

On another note: I will be going to see it for a second time this weekend since the Mrs. will be visiting family. So maybe I will pick up some things I most likely missed the first go around.
if you are going for a second time, I recommend that you go for the 3D IMAX viewing. I saw it 3D IMAX for my second viewing and I saw perspective of things/scenarios that I missed the first time.

11 minutes ago, Ken PE 3.0 said: On another note: I will be going to see it for a second time this weekend since the Mrs. will be visiting family. So maybe I will pick up some things I most likely missed the first go around.
if you are going for a second time, I recommend that you go for the 3D IMAX viewing. I saw it 3D IMAX for my second viewing and I saw perspective of things/scenarios that I missed the first time.
I'm too cheap for that. Eventually when it comes out on dvd, I will be watching it frequently.

I still contend the light saber duel was totally unnecessary and it was only in there because the producers thought they "had" to have one in the movie.  I think the ending would have been more dramatic if Fin, Rey and Chewy barely escaped with Kylo in hot pursuit.  At least that way it would have made him a bit more of an imposing adversary for the subsequent films.  

I think the ending would have been more dramatic if Fin, Rey and Chewy barely escaped with Kylo in hot pursuit.  
This I could actually agree with.  It likely would have been just as entertaining and potentially more suspenseful.  

I still contend the light saber duel was totally unnecessary and it was only in there because the producers thought they "had" to have one in the movie.  I think the ending would have been more dramatic if Fin, Rey and Chewy barely escaped with Kylo in hot pursuit.  At least that way it would have made him a bit more of an imposing adversary for the subsequent films.  
That would have been a good plot beginning for E8 coupled with the Luke cliffhanger.

I just read a crazy theory that Rey is Anakin Skywalker reincarnated.




Finally discovered this thread exists. (I was on vacation when it was started)

Mrs Dex and I think that Leia and Han are Rey's parents.  After seeing what Kylo does and Luke's subsequent disappearance, they "hide" Rey away (like how Leia was hidden from Vader). When she was hidden, Rey was old enough to vaguely remember her parents, but not immediately identify them.  It would explain her familiarity with the Falcon...

I wonder how much Hamill got paid to be in the move for 60 seconds?

I think there could have been a little more backstory about what happened over the last 30 years, I know they tried to weave it in the movie..

Who do you think this snoke? is (if that was his name?) Former Palpatine pupil?
he did a lot of behind the scenes work for the least that's what I read in an interview about the movie

there were people that thought Darth Maul would come back also...

But I agree they probably have him there for the 3 people that haven't seen the movie yet..

Do you think Kim Jung Ull has had a private showing in North Korea?

Finally saw the movie last night. I took mini-ble1 to see it after I got off work, and we both loved it. We had watched all 6 of the previous movies over the past few weeks, and just finished up the prequels this weekend. It was so nice to watch this movie after having watched the prequels and seeing more live action shots and less cheesy CGI. Also, it was good to see a light saber battle without the ridiculous acrobatics from the prequels. I don't really over analyze movies, so you won't see any in-depth analysis and thoughts from me, but something tells me that Luke is not Rey's father because everything in the movie seems to indicate that he is her father. At this point it won't surprise anyone if that's the case, and I just don't see that happening. Can't wait to see it again, but I'll wait until it comes out on Blu-Ray cause I'm too cheap to go back to the theater to watch it. I'm relieved that I finally saw it because it has been a pain in the ass trying to skip over any articles and comments that reference it so that it wasn't spoiled too much. Now I can go read all the reviews and theories out there!

Maybe Anakin's father went around knocking up slaves all over the galaxy and he has a half-sibling out there who Reye's father/mother.
