Square Foot Gardening

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My girlfriend tried the square foot garden thing and it was a disaster. . . the tomatoes took over everything.

The container garden is a nice idea that wouldn't work well for our chickens. Those feathered hogs would destroy everything. My late winter project is to add a fenced in garden in the back of our yard to keep those buggers out.
We had some bantam chickens this spring and took them to my mother-in-law during the summer. The poor frizzled we had has been plucked clean by the other chickens.

The container garden is a nice idea that wouldn't work well for our chickens. Those feathered hogs would destroy everything. My late winter project is to add a fenced in garden in the back of our yard to keep those buggers out.
We had some bantam chickens this spring and took them to my mother-in-law during the summer. The poor frizzled we had has been plucked clean by the other chickens.
Poor bird. We had a chicken plucker situation going on for a little while after we introduced bird 3 until the pecking order was reestablished.
Mother plucker!

PS. I have nothing else to add to this conversation, but I kind of want to buy the book now and give it a go.

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Couldnt find the other gardening thread....

We didnt plant this but i first thought it was a pumpkin but now i think its a watermelon? Just sort of showed up (free). We have about 6 of them so far-but the rest are all orange & smaller?

What say ye?


Type of squash? I mean a pumpkin is a squash.

We went and bought cedar boxes, bought and put up a greenhouse (pole and tent type), bought tons of garden soil, and started seedlings last spring. We got so much rain it killed our seedlings and tore apart the greenhouse (we received record rain amounts last spring). We are just now talking about trying again on gardening.

We planted everything in late May after the last snow, but my tomatoes didn't start coming like gangbusters until last week.

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Only thing left in our garden is okra, green beans, an eggplant that refuses to die and a basil plant. Everything else gave up the ghost a few weeks ago. It was a terrible year for tomatoes in West KY. Even the people that usually have a beautiful crop had a hard time with them. Either the curse of the 17 yr locust or the 45' of rain got them.

A couple of years ago we started grilling it. Two words: AWE SOME. Cut it up fresh into bite size pieces. Place in a tin pie pan or even larger if you have alot. Smother in butter and a little Lemon Pepper. Grille until crisp and enjoy. If you cook it long enough the slime goes away and you can eat like popcorn. The pan rarely makes it to the table before devoured.

A couple of years ago we started grilling it. Two words: AWE SOME. Cut it up fresh into bite size pieces. Place in a tin pie pan or even larger if you have alot. Smother in butter and a little Lemon Pepper. Grille until crisp and enjoy. If you cook it long enough the slime goes away and you can eat like popcorn. The pan rarely makes it to the table before devoured.
And you can cook it down until the slime goes away and make gumbo with it!
