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This is not a problem. I don't know how people can be bored in retirement, or bored in general. It's weird.

So, the one time I took SquareDoggo hiking, she pooped out after an hour in and I just carried her the rest of the hike. She's 55 pounds. So, for a "working" breed (Boxer/Pit mix), she sure is a wimp. She's a good dog otherwise, I'm very forgiving.
Moo is being a baby lately. And I'm not carrying a 30lb dog without my harness through 2ft of snow. Yes, I got a harness to carry her in case she got injured - it's called Pack-a-paw 

These are the best! Warm enough in the day to be in a short sleeve shirt and shorts, but cool enough at night to be by a fire and not overheat in a sleeping bag.

Gosh I miss camping. We used to go almost every month, now we haven't been since early 2018. It's a little more difficult on a pregnant woman, plus I don't know how to tent camp with a baby.

I'm excited to get back into it once we have all our kids and they're around 2-3 years old.
My coworker bought property a few towns away and is going to build a house there.

He took his 8.5mo pregnant wife and their two kids there for a week this last fall to camp. The other 2 kids are under 5. None of that sounded enjoyable to me 

There's hiking with baby groups you could join on FB to figure out how to camp with baby. 

Only if a wood chipper is involved.
I feel like the wood chipper needs to be mentioned in every round that @LyceeFruit PE plays, just so the tension can mount of whether or not they will be killed in such a manner.  A delightful running gag!

My boss' kids are in the office today, and I saw his daughter in the break room raiding the snacks. She grabbed two, so I asked her if she was being nice and grabbing one for her brother, and she straight up goes, "No, I'm greedy." I had to smother my laughs because she was killing me. 

My boss' kids are in the office today, and I saw his daughter in the break room raiding the snacks. She grabbed two, so I asked her if she was being nice and grabbing one for her brother, and she straight up goes, "No, I'm greedy." I had to smother my laughs because she was killing me. 
...but how did a wood chipper fit in the break room?

i was playing with some stuff.. it will recognize you as your correct member "status" once they post again (I think)
What are all of the different member types? I've seen jr member, member, veteran, supporting member, charter member, moderators, and admin.

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