Oct 2015

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also i should tell u about something else that keeps ringing in my mind: when one of my close friends (also a female EE, what are the chances?) took the exam a few years back, she left the morning session crying, completely devastated, convinced she failed, and ready to just go home and skip the afternoon. after talking to a colleague on the phone during the lunch break who convinced her to just go back and finish up the test anyway, she went back into the exam and ended up feeling way better about the afternoon session. results? she passed. for someone to be CONVINCED to go home after the morning session and still pass, whereas i felt initially sure that i had passed given my somewhat ok feelings for both sessions, that gave me hope. GAVE. now im just at the "im sure i failed" phase.

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also i should tell u about something else that keeps ringing in my mind: when one of my close friends (also a female EE, what are the chances?) took the exam a few years back, she left the morning session crying, completely devastated, convinced she failed, and ready to just go home and skip the afternoon. after talking to a colleague on the phone during the lunch break who convinced her to just go back and finish up the test anyway, she went back into the exam and ended up feeling way better about the afternoon session. results? she passed. for someone to be CONVINCED to go home after the morning session and still pass, whereas i felt initially sure that i had passed given my somewhat ok feelings for both sessions, that gave me hope. GAVE. now im just at the "im sure i failed" phase.

Thanks for getting back on my post .

I am cursing myself too on not getting at least 4 problems correct that I couldn’t have done 100% right. One was just couldn’t find my reference where I saw the equation last and others just going freaking out of time and couldn’t solve them and had to end up going for a wild guess. This feeling truly sucks.

Sounds great! that a lot of questions are popping up in your mind that you now figure that you did right. It gives you really great hope. Wow reading about your colleague female engineer past experience is really like an energy shot to me. Coz I am not feeling that horrible in any of the sessions. That means we might get lucky to pass when your friend got away with a passing score although not feeling even a little good about morning part. That gives me really big hope.

Here is my quick analysis about my power exam: 51 correct, 4 incorrect, 15 wild guesses. That makes total of 70 problems. And I have tried so hard thinking about rest of the 10 missing problems I am totally lost and really cant estimate what those 10 problems were about. That is why I am helpless how many out of 10 I got correct or wrong or made any guess.

I know it is not legal and ethical to discuss about the exam problems anywhere but how about if talking about numbers of problems per topic. Do you think it would be ok?

I am just trying to share numbers of problems topic wise and have people here comment on that so that I can pick what those 10 problems were about that I am missing.

I was hoping for a little more weight on transportation or water.

It's funny you should say that, as I thought a couple of the more challenging questions in the morning were water questions. It's all about what you're the most comfortable with I guess! I thought the trickiest was a structural problem, though - you probably know the one I mean without me violating the terms of the agreement.

That's true, it depends on your workload.

And I know the one you're talking about!

It makes me mad, because I've done tens of problems like that before in undergrad and understood them. Unfortunately, after not seeing a problem like that for 5 years, it caught me off guard. I roughly knew how to do it, but it would have taken me way too long to set it up correctly and solve it. I threw a random bubble into the C answer for that one. Not worth the time!
Hey guys.. I am curious. which one of the Str are you guys talking about? I thought morning am was pretty much all about Water under pressure? a bit more hint?

I was hoping for a little more weight on transportation or water.

It's funny you should say that, as I thought a couple of the more challenging questions in the morning were water questions. It's all about what you're the most comfortable with I guess! I thought the trickiest was a structural problem, though - you probably know the one I mean without me violating the terms of the agreement.

That's true, it depends on your workload.

And I know the one you're talking about!

It makes me mad, because I've done tens of problems like that before in undergrad and understood them. Unfortunately, after not seeing a problem like that for 5 years, it caught me off guard. I roughly knew how to do it, but it would have taken me way too long to set it up correctly and solve it. I threw a random bubble into the C answer for that one. Not worth the time!
Hey guys.. I am curious. which one of the Str are you guys talking about? I thought morning am was pretty much all about Water under pressure? a bit more hint?
The most I can say is it was a problem involving (I believe) temporarily construction scaffolding.

also i should tell u about something else that keeps ringing in my mind: when one of my close friends (also a female EE, what are the chances?) took the exam a few years back, she left the morning session crying, completely devastated, convinced she failed, and ready to just go home and skip the afternoon. after talking to a colleague on the phone during the lunch break who convinced her to just go back and finish up the test anyway, she went back into the exam and ended up feeling way better about the afternoon session. results? she passed. for someone to be CONVINCED to go home after the morning session and still pass, whereas i felt initially sure that i had passed given my somewhat ok feelings for both sessions, that gave me hope. GAVE. now im just at the "im sure i failed" phase.

Thanks for getting back on my post .

I am cursing myself too on not getting at least 4 problems correct that I couldn’t have done 100% right. One was just couldn’t find my reference where I saw the equation last and others just going freaking out of time and couldn’t solve them and had to end up going for a wild guess. This feeling truly sucks.

Sounds great! that a lot of questions are popping up in your mind that you now figure that you did right. It gives you really great hope. Wow reading about your colleague female engineer past experience is really like an energy shot to me. Coz I am not feeling that horrible in any of the sessions. That means we might get lucky to pass when your friend got away with a passing score although not feeling even a little good about morning part. That gives me really big hope.

Here is my quick analysis about my power exam: 51 correct, 4 incorrect, 15 wild guesses. That makes total of 70 problems. And I have tried so hard thinking about rest of the 10 missing problems I am totally lost and really cant estimate what those 10 problems were about. That is why I am helpless how many out of 10 I got correct or wrong or made any guess.

I know it is not legal and ethical to discuss about the exam problems anywhere but how about if talking about numbers of problems per topic. Do you think it would be ok?

I am just trying to share numbers of problems topic wise and have people here comment on that so that I can pick what those 10 problems were about that I am missing.
hahhaa i had to smile when i read your post because yesterday i was having an anxiety attack from being convinced i failed, then today am feeling slightly hopeful again just because of talking to you guys on this forum. i think we need to vent our insanities here to each other, otherwise i'd be texting/calling the 2 only 2 senior EEs i trust DAY and NIGHT seeking reassurance. i was freaking out too... actually one concept question in particular i vividly recalled seeing the answer to way way back months ago and was frantically searching thru my notes to see if/where i wrote it down but to no avail. that's the one i think i answered incorrectly that has been burning my brain nonstop.

on the topic of discussing quantities of types of questions: I've also wondered if that's "ok" to do or not.... i did see someone else in this forum (not sure if it was this thread or another) actually mention the # of NEC questions that were on the oct 30 exam.

bottom line: i never wanted anything more intensely than i want to pass this exam, so i totally get the pressure you are putting yourself under. the only thing that keeps me from dwelling on it all day while we wait for results is to keep reminding myself that if it was easy, everyone would do it, and if we didn't pass this time, we can always take it again, and if we gotta take it again in april, at least now we can both take comfort in knowing we aren't alone and can swap study topics/discussions back and forth with each other! there are worse things in life to fail at.... except i was really looking forward to telling a couple chauvinistic pigs at work to suck it when i do pass :D

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I didn't want to disappoint you

I know it is not legal and ethical to discuss about the exam problems anywhere but how about if talking about numbers of problems per topic. Do you think it would be ok?
The simple answer here is NO. NCEES monitors this forum and it would be a shame if you had your results invalidated (yes it has happened before) before you even got them. And how devastating would it be to have them invalidated only to find that you would have passed? Not worth the risk in my opinion. Best bet, try to put it out of your mind and focus on the finer things in life.

hahhaa i had to smile when i read your post because yesterday i was having an anxiety attack from being convinced i failed, then today am feeling slightly hopeful again just because of talking to you guys on this forum. i think we need to vent our insanities here to each other, otherwise i'd be texting/calling the 2 only 2 senior EEs i trust DAY and NIGHT seeking reassurance. i was freaking out too... actually one concept question in particular i vividly recalled seeing the answer to way way back months ago and was frantically searching thru my notes to see if/where i wrote it down but to no avail. that's the one i think i answered incorrectly that has been burning my brain nonstop.

on the topic of discussing quantities of types of questions: I've also wondered if that's "ok" to do or not.... i did see someone else in this forum (not sure if it was this thread or another) actually mention the # of NEC questions that were on the oct 30 exam.

bottom line: i never wanted anything more intensely than i want to pass this exam, so i totally get the pressure you are putting yourself under. the only thing that keeps me from dwelling on it all day while we wait for results is to keep reminding myself that if it was easy, everyone would do it, and if we didn't pass this time, we can always take it again, and if we gotta take it again in april, at least now we can both take comfort in knowing we aren't alone and can swap study topics/discussions back and forth with each other! there are worse things in life to fail at.... except i was really looking forward to telling a couple chauvinistic pigs at work to suck it when i do pass :D
Again, best to not dwell on it as you can't change the outcome at this point. And you're only going to make yourself miserable by obsessing over it. Try to focus on the finer things in life. Try some of the seasonal Mad Elf ale. That should help. :thumbs:

I was hoping for a little more weight on transportation or water.

It's funny you should say that, as I thought a couple of the more challenging questions in the morning were water questions. It's all about what you're the most comfortable with I guess! I thought the trickiest was a structural problem, though - you probably know the one I mean without me violating the terms of the agreement.

That's true, it depends on your workload.

And I know the one you're talking about!

It makes me mad, because I've done tens of problems like that before in undergrad and understood them. Unfortunately, after not seeing a problem like that for 5 years, it caught me off guard. I roughly knew how to do it, but it would have taken me way too long to set it up correctly and solve it. I threw a random bubble into the C answer for that one. Not worth the time!
Hey guys.. I am curious. which one of the Str are you guys talking about? I thought morning am was pretty much all about Water under pressure? a bit more hint?
The most I can say is it was a problem involving (I believe) temporarily construction scaffolding.
How is it that I am unable to recollect any thing related to construction scaffolding in am? Can you please say something more- what was to be calculated?

I was hoping for a little more weight on transportation or water.

It's funny you should say that, as I thought a couple of the more challenging questions in the morning were water questions. It's all about what you're the most comfortable with I guess! I thought the trickiest was a structural problem, though - you probably know the one I mean without me violating the terms of the agreement.

That's true, it depends on your workload.

And I know the one you're talking about!

It makes me mad, because I've done tens of problems like that before in undergrad and understood them. Unfortunately, after not seeing a problem like that for 5 years, it caught me off guard. I roughly knew how to do it, but it would have taken me way too long to set it up correctly and solve it. I threw a random bubble into the C answer for that one. Not worth the time!
Hey guys.. I am curious. which one of the Str are you guys talking about? I thought morning am was pretty much all about Water under pressure? a bit more hint?
The most I can say is it was a problem involving (I believe) temporarily construction scaffolding.
How is it that I am unable to recollect any thing related to construction scaffolding in am? Can you please say something more- what was to be calculated?
This is bordering on violating the NCEES agreement. Be mindful.
