Oct 2012 PE Civil Exam - How did you do ? Morning v/s Afternoon

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I am completely agreed with you. But you have master in Geo-tech and working in this field, that’s why board has another exam called GE. PE exam question type were more appropriate for GE.

I think the afternoon transportation was easier than the morning session. I think I may have 26 correct (give and take a few errors), but not counting the ones that I may have guessed correctly. I may have missed about 4 in the afternoon because of lack of time to finish. I pray that I pass this darn thing, as one has to study so so much, just to test on this small amount of problems that showed up.
I took afternoon transportation too and finished 20 minutes early. I think I have 28 correct in morning and 32 in afternoon. I hope to pass it, I really don't want to study again.

I thought the morning was ok (30 or so correct...?)

I was foolish enough to take the geotechnical depth. sigh. that wasnt easy! Hopefully I made it and dont have to retake the thing again!

Civil morning i thought was pretty easy. Finished in a little over 2 hours. I have the luxury of working in almost all fields (except structural), so nothing stumped me. Afternoon Geotech depth (my specialty) was easy from a design standpoint, but the definition/subjective questions were tricky. That will be my downfall if I don't pass.

I thought the morning portion absolutely destroyed me. I walked in feeling pretty confident, but that quickly changed after the fist half hour. I took the entire morning and had to guess on a lot of them--especially the word problems. I did not feel good about it at all. If I had to guess I'd say I got about 15 questions correct.

I calmed down for the afternoon portion (Transpo) and thought it was more straight forward than the morning stuff. If I'd to guess I probably got about 30 questions correct.

I spent a lot of time studying as well, did Testmaster and everything but the morning portion did not resemble much of anything I prepared for.

The wait is definitely more brutal than the test itself, though...

I thought the morning was rough and the WR/Enviro was just as rough. Not sure I passed.

The morning was interestingly mixed with easy to hard problems not much in between. I am looking at between 10 and 12 wrong in the morning and afternoon WR/Env. I probably got anywhere between 10 and 12 wrong. If they are grading this on a truly % system and no cut score below 70% (%< (56/80)) then I just barely made it at 70%. I will take it any day, just need a 70%. I think I did equally the same in the both sessions. Some people do much better in one session than the other. I was a "C" student in the morning and afternoon. Just my opinion, but I will find out in 3 weeks. I love Turkey week because the week goes by extremely quick, it will be December before you know it.

Took the structural depth, which was much more "do-able" than the morning section. The AM test was awful. I am not looking forward to these results, I have a feeling I may be taking this again....
Same feeling here. I was rather frustrated after the morning session because it seemed like my 6mo of studying were completely wasted... questions weren't anything like the stuff I practiced and there were so many questions that I understood the concept and how to work them, but couldn't decide between two of the four options.

I thought going into the exam that I would have 4 or 5 questions total that I'd have to give my "best guess"; but during AM it was probably 50% "best guess." The Structural PM was A LOT better though.

I thought the afternoon was a little tougher for wr. Just a few problems with units I did not study or really know how to handle. If you were to break it down into a specific area, wastewater is bad and open channel is awesome. The whole test should have been open channel. The morning was alright, there really wasn't anything in the morning part that wouldn't be covered in college.

Felt the Electrical was quite a bit more theory than I thought but prepared as much as I could with the available time.

This waiting is killing me though to find out the results.

I was able to work through most of the morning questions, but the afternoon (Water Resource/Environmental) really kicked my tail. I felt like all the questions I had "time" to work on were good, but there were so many that I had to rush through. I felt like I was going to fail the exam, I even bought a study book the week after. There was no "Five Phases" for me. I am very happy to announce that I passed. I was not looking forward to studying and had a mix of excitement and dread the whole time until this afternoon. So glad the wait and studying are over.

I felt ok about the morning but in the afternoon I felt like the whole exam was wastewater theory which I do not deal with. The open channel and hydrology problems seemed fair. I am just really concerned about the wastewater problems. My only prep was the testmaster course which was great for problem solving but not so good on theory. It would be hard to go over all of wastewater theory in 8 hours.


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