NJ Results

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Does anyone know when we will get the results?

Who administers the NJ test? If it's ELSES it seems the results should be out now. If it's Castle, you still have a couple weeks. If someone else, I have no idea.

Who administers the NJ test? If it's ELSES it seems the results should be out now. If it's Castle, you still have a couple weeks. If someone else, I have no idea.
NJ is not an ELSES state

EES told me NJ results will be mailed out mid-January 09 and NJ Board told me end of January when we should receive the results. Last years October results were mailed out on January 05, 2008. Who and what should I believe??

I don't want to get your hopes up, but I would think the best predictor would be last year's result date. Be patient, and GOOD LUCK!!!

I just called EES and they said they will mail out NJ's results tomorrow!

Cool. I'm gonna have someone sit by my mail box. Now this wait is gonna cost me financially as well.

Got the letter today. Passed on the first attemp. Civil / Structural.

Good Luck to everyone waiting.

:party-smiley-048: :multiplespotting:

Got the small envelope today.......passed first time Civil Transportation. Congrats to all who passed. Toooo excited to write any more...

Passed!!!! I got the letter yesterday and went out celebrating!!! 1st try Civil Transportation. :winko:

Got the letter yesterday. Passed!

1st time - Water Resources and Environmental

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