Lord Vader Meets Mickey Mouse

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Plus, it would need to remain strong in order to keep them in place once it's on. Remember, gold is a soft metal.

This is what I heard, and from a trustworthy source(not really...but it looks good):

The Emperor is alive. Vader killed a clone. Luke realizes that and he decides to train Leia to be a Jedi. Which does not work because Leia has twins on their way (boy and girl) and cannot complete the training. Luke sees that as an opportunity and starts training the twins to be Jedis. After some years he asks Leia to complete the twins' training and he decides to try a plan. He will join the Emperor, make him think that he has turned to the dark side. The key point is that Luke cannot fake he joins the dark side. The Emperor would know. He has to actually do it as his father did. Knowing that, tells Leia that whenever the twins become Jedis they have to go and rescue him as he rescued Vader(remember? there was still good in Darth Vader).

These sources are a dime a dozen, I just read one after the previous post since it got me curious. It involved a storyline 30 years after ROTJ and a group of rogue Jedi attacking a Jedi training facility in Cloud City on Bespin.

Never underestimate the power of fanwank when it comes to Star Wars.

I will admit I am incredibly excited for the fact that there will be Episodes VII-IX. I'll be there for the midnight premiere. I'll be easy to spot as I'll be the guy in street clothes and not a stormtrooper uniform.
