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Guess I will have to take Junior for ice cream this weekend.

Got all 3's and 4's on her first grade report card (3's are meets grade level expectations, 4's are exceeds grade level expectations), and all of her statistical stuff on the 3's were on the high end of the grade average. She's ahead of the game in math, particularly in geometry, and her reading level is considerably higher than most in her grade (4's across the board).

Now she just needs to keep it up for another 11 years and pay her own way through college, and we're all set. I'll be in my mid-late 40's when she graduates assuming I don't kick the bucket before then, so I'm banking on her to pay for my early retirement.

so trying to get minisnick to brush his teeth is a real PITA. We got him a transformer bumblebee electric toothbrush for easter now he reminds us that he has to brush his teeth.

so trying to get minisnick to brush his teeth is a real PITA. We got him a transformer bumblebee electric toothbrush for easter now he reminds us that he has to brush his teeth.

Junior has one of those singing Miley Cyrus ones. I want to throw it out the window somewhere along I-485.

Guess I will have to take Junior for ice cream this weekend.

Got all 3's and 4's on her first grade report card (3's are meets grade level expectations, 4's are exceeds grade level expectations), and all of her statistical stuff on the 3's were on the high end of the grade average. She's ahead of the game in math, particularly in geometry, and her reading level is considerably higher than most in her grade (4's across the board).

Now she just needs to keep it up for another 11 years and pay her own way through college, and we're all set. I'll be in my mid-late 40's when she graduates assuming I don't kick the bucket before then, so I'm banking on her to pay for my early retirement.
nice job Supe jr. the tricky part is keeping that motivation through college. Sadly, ice cream doesn't work for gets much more expensive.

Mini MS2 is nearly fully potty trained (except for nights). He still has little trouble NOT letting us know he needs to pee when he does have a diaper on, but it's getting fewer and farther between. Little dude is taking to the potty like a champ.
