Kids of EB

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Not to mention that now I'm feeling queezy.
My daughter used to puke a lot when she was that age. She would wake up crying and covered. I'm the one who normally discovered the mess too. Lots of baths and laundry have been done here in the wee hours of morning.

I'll look into that. Is it available at any grocery store? As for the trail, being he is so little, I ended up just cupping my hands and catching it. Had it been my oldest I would not be able to do that.

You know you're a dad when you try to catch all the vomit in your hands or on you instead of letting it hit the floor. I'd much rather clean myself up at 2 in the morning than the carpet.

Mini-ble1 has finally quit wearing pull-ups at night! He's been potty trained since he was about 20 months old, but he has been inconsistent at night, mainly because he's such a heavy sleeper. I have to go and take him to the bathroom around 10 every night, but he's been waking up dry for over a month now. Now we just need to get mini-ble2 interested in potty training...

That and the puke stains all over my shirt from holding him while he was puking after I tried to catch the initial heaves.

Nature's Miracle may be available at the grocery store. I buy it at the pet store. It'll clean pet stains and kid stains. When we were potty training my daughter, I bought the stuff by the gallon.

We stopped doing allowance since they consume a lot of food, electricity, water, etc but once they were in 5th grade I stated giving them (per report card) $20 for an A, $10 for a B. nothing for a C. So they could earn almost $100/ quarter and that has worked pretty well...

Of course now we live inn a state with standards based grading nonsense so they give out 4's, 3's,2's etc but a 4 is like an A ++ and a 3 is a A- . Or some BS... It's probably coming to a school near you...

he have big metal mixing bowl that works as the puke bowl for minisnick. He has a lofted bed and has never made it to the bathroom. So we just clean him and the bed up then set towels and blankets on the floor in his room with the bowl next to him.

when they were toddlers and had an upset stomach, we'd grab the small plastic waste basket from the bathroom (the bucket) and park it next to the bed. They caught on and would even request the bucket if they felt nauseous but needed to go to bed.

I guess we're fortunate. Aside from regifting milk as infants, mini MS1 has puked only once and mini MS2 never has.

I guess we're fortunate. Aside from regifting milk as infants, mini MS1 has puked only once and mini MS2 never has.
You are lucky.

We've had a few puking episodes at restaurants too. Usually starts out coughing, then chocking, then puking.

You know those wash basins they have at the hospital? One of the larger square one pictured was stored under each kids bed in our house growing up... easy access and it was larger that the one designed for puke.


Isn't the contour in the middle there supposed to go around your neck? For ergonomics?

Isn't the contour in the middle there supposed to go around your neck? For ergonomics?
yeah....that's it


For some reason I associated that shape with a bed pan. After some googling it appears that the container is a multi-purpose piece referred to as a "kidney dish" because of its shape. It is often used to prepare/contain surgical dressings or small instruments. It looks very small for a puke bucket (maybe a spit bucket but definitely not suitable for projectile vomiting). where learning is fun-damental.

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